Monday, December 05, 2005

NOT a pity party

This is not a pity party.. i want that stated right up front.....

This weekend was busy.. god was it busy!!! Friday Sir and i helped some friends move.. well i helped after i finished work and fought the bridges and the traffic and the yucky weather to get there .. AND i thought i got lost and had to make an SOS phone call to Sir.. i had so hoped i would make my way there all by myself and make Sir proud....... oh well i am gonna blame the stress of the weather the traffic and the bridge... (i HATE driving over bridges!!! and have no idea why) The drive home was worse.. in the dark .. in the blustery winter night... on roads covered in black ice.. i have never been so glad to park my lil car in the lot in my whole life!!! It was late and i was freezing cold so Sir made Himself some grilled cheese and i had a hot hot bath and climbed into bed..........


Saturday we were up and out bright and early - there was the school Christmas fair that i wanted to go to (sort of a PR thing.. put in an appearance ) and then Sir and i went to our favourite pub for lunch.. then stopped at the BIG mall to pick up a Christmas gift for baby daughter.. stopped by the Best Buy to look at TV's (Sir can't stand my piddley little TV in the living room ) and then home for a brief rest and dinner before heading off to our local BDSM club's Winter fair........... what a bust that was !!! only 4 vendors showed up....... and only 15 people.......... now what was that about??!!! Honestly i don't get it... if you want a club then why don't people support it??? i have seen this happen over and over again... someone starts a club .. people don't want to pay to keep it going and it disappears.. then people bitch (excuse my language BUT they do!!!) that there is no decent club........ Sir had invited a couple of friends to come by after the fair to the house for coffee and some play time.. Sooooooo we hung around the club till they arrived.. waited until they had a poke around in the vendors rooms.. and then they told us they were tired and would take a rain check on the invitation....... so it was late when we arrived home and i toddled off to bed ..

Sunday morning we were home .. and i decided to work on my blog... (see yesterday's post) instead of sitting around wishing/hoping Sir would take me downstairs for a session..... in my feeble subbie brain.. if Sir was in the mood for a session... then i would be summoned..... and better i keep busy than be sitting pouting at His feet - right???? wrong! Sir thought i wanted to get the job done on the blog.. more than wanted a session..... geeeeeeeeeez what is the name of THAT book "Men are from Mars Women are from Venus"??? anywayyyyyy... by noon we were on the road again to have some lunch at our favourite Chinese restaurant on the south shore.. and then off to an Open house at a Florists that Sir works for (on occasion) and i supply greeting cards to....... Then because Sir had to work early this morning....... i headed home by myself...

Now it is Monday morning and i am facing another 4 days without my Sir .. and i didn't get a session........ and as i complained (very unsubbie like ) in my private journal to Him.. i didn't have any orgasms either........ so i am a mess of emotions and needs and cravings.. and my body feels electrified .. jumpy and wired .. know what i mean??? i don't feel the least bit used or abused.. even if Sir did follow tradition of tucking me into bed with a good hard strapping on one bare ass both Friday and Saturday night - that just doesn't count!!! it doesn't !!!

AND to make matters worse this morning i really do just want to climb back into bed .. pull the covers over my head and stay home.. not face the masses ...... and their problems... AND i still have the monster in the walls running around terrorizing my cats and yeah i admit it ME.... sighhhhhhhh..

But .. and i mean it.. this is NOT a pity party..... just my confusing busy hectic life sometimes...

1 comment:

  1. While I agree with you in part about the clubs I would also have to say it was poor timing just after the fair in Ottawa and I find that atmosphere is imprortant that is where breathless has it over the Montreal club. There are some clubs which do get a good turn out here but they are not really set up for playing more for exhibiting so maybe I think the club in question needs to think about clientel and what would entice them out more clear out the space of talkers and let the players play.
    Just my thoughts


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