This is most definitely a grump................ a rant.... a release.............
i have this "thing" about goodie two shoes......... you know what i mean - the ones who wouldn't say shit if they stepped in it... who have this "holier than thou" attitude......... who have put themselves so high up on the pedestal of life that we mere mortals can barely see them....... never mind converse with them.
They are the world's best slave........ best at everything....... on line. Take it to real life and oh my god !!! They can't do this because well it might break a nail........or they can't do that because .. well.. ya know .. they had a rough life and it scares them......... and they most certainly can't do THAT because wellllllllll it just isn't right.
Or the ones who are so timid they are scared of their shadow............ run from any suggestion of something difficult.............. BUT oh they are quick to criticize if they see someone else doing something that doesn't fit into their mold of what's right or not!!
BAH HUMBUG on the lot of them !!!
i am sick to death of being held up to inspection by newbies and wannabes.......
i am sick to death of being accused of "topping from the bottom" (though the wonderfully good lil slaves call it dominanting)
i am sick of being tsked tsked and of my Sir being tsked tsked (though i am sure He doesn't see it that way!) by well meaning .. stick your nose into everything - types.
And so i will say it again........... for the umpteenth time !!!
Sir and i are who we are !! We are Sir and sub. We may not do it your way (god forbid) but we do IT ! day and night 24/7 ..... together or not together.
i do not play poor me ever !! i do not imply at every turn that i deserve a punishment in that cutsey lil girl voice that decalcifies one's spine at 30 paces .......... i do not brag about how many punishments i have coming - cause you see - i have this strange habit of wanting to please....... and so i don't earn punishments....... i earn rewards !!
i am real....... stick a knife in me i bleed..... say cruel hurtful things i bleed....... and one other funny thing about me... when you do that to me....... i don't wanna be your friend.......... geeeeee i wonder why !!
putting my soap box away for now............ i feel so much better !!!
Yeah... in every way........ the bug has retreated to no voice - a cough and runny nose.. but i am up and even managed to get to work today. The kiddies love that i have very little voice........ gonna be a wild run for the next day and a half.....
The gifts are wrapped....... the baking done........ the fire is laid out in the fireplace.... and i can coast (nah nah to all you last minute procrastinators) to Christmas with a smile on my face and a Christmas carol on my lips..........