A few years ago i wrote an article on genital piercings - just after i had been pierced. This is just a part of that article........Well it has been just over a month since Thanksgiving and my piercing. And now the first rush of the event has passed and i have had time to reflect.
First of all i have to say, one of the things that i researched was vertical versus horizontal piercings. W/we opted for a vertical clit hood piercing for a number of reasons…… friends who had been pierced warned me of horizontal piercings pulling and twisting and just being plain uncomfortable. Pierre the piercer told U/us when W/we arrived that He would not do a horizontal piercing for all the reasons that i had been told. They are basically uncomfortable, frequently twisting and pulling. He recommended a vertical piercing as it would lie more naturally against my body, not get caught as frequently in clothing, and would not twist or pull when i moved. Not having any horizontal piercing to compare with …. i can only say that i love the vertical piercing. i hardly know i have it … it doesn't twist or pull unless of course my Sir is doing the twisting and pulling
Secondly i want to talk a little bit about the healing process. Pierre told me that for the first 3 weeks i was to soak the piercing twice a day in a solution of sea salt. After the first 3 weeks i could go to once a day for the last 3 weeks. For the first week or so, i took full sea salt baths - as i needed to turn the piercing to ensure that the salt water was moved through the puncture and cleaned it out.
After that week i went to using a shot glass filled with the sea salt solution, and with some practice became quite good at fitting the glass over the piercing and creating a vacuum that held it all in place for the 5 minutes. i will admit to being skeptical at how well this routine would work. But after 5 weeks i have to say i have never ever healed as quickly and as painlessly as i did this time. i now have a huge bag of sea salt stored in the house for any and all wounds that need disinfecting. It was amazing!!!!!
Thirdly and finally, i want to talk a little bit about the emotional side of being pierced. i had talked with submissives who had been pierced only to please their Dominants. They talked of a painful long healing process. They talked of hating it, and feeling that their bodies had been mutilated. In the back of my mind was a small worry that i would experience the same reaction. BUT, on the day of the piercing i couldn't wait to see it, couldn't wait to turn it and play with it. i loved not only the piercing but also the jewelry. However, the first week was a long lonely week. Every time i sat down i sat down gingerly, being careful to ease myself into chairs. Once i forgot, and sat down with a, shall we say, "bang" and immediately felt the jewelry banging into my already sore and aching clit. It was not something i quickly forgot. For the first three days, i guess, i held on to the thought that this was something i had always wanted! Pleasing my Sir hardly, if ever, came to mind. On the fourth day i was tired of the discomfort, tired of sitting gingerly, tired of my clothes rubbing on it … just plain tired. The six week healing period seemed a life time. i was discouraged and feeling a bit down. That night i sat and thought how proud my Sir was of the piercing, and of me! i remembered the look on His face while He watched the needle puncturing my skin and the jewelry being put in. i remembered His arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders, and most of all i remembered His quiet words "I am proud of you!" At the end of my reminiscing i was comfortable again and happy i had decided to be pierced.
Miraculously the next day i hardly noticed the piercing. i moved freely with little or no discomfort. i jumped up and down out of chairs at work. And that day when i reached home and stripped down to my "subbie uniform" i actually felt the jewelry move and swing. What an amazing feeling!!!!!
After 3 weeks the piercing felt virtually healed. It turned easily, it pressed ever so nicely on my clit. And when Sir played with it, the only phrase i can use to describe what i felt was…. ELECTRIC !!! After 5 weeks i will say it is everything i had hoped for…. if not more!!
Now after 4 years or so.. i still adore my piercing and the sensations it gives me.

and for those of you who missed the announcement yesterday.... there is a new story on my Fictional Journey - see link on the right.