December 31st the last day of the year...
i was thinking about the words of wisdom (don't choke!!! ) that i might write today on this last day of 2007......... and i have put off writing this entry because the words aren't there..
That is not to say i haven't learned a thing or two this past year.. because, by god, i have!
Friends -
i certainly learned what friendship is over the last half of this year...... i have always said i could count my 'real' friends on one hand...... the people who know my faults and like me because of them.... despite of them.. the people who have been willing to stand by my side through the good times.. the laughter and the fun.. and have been right there through the scary times.. the bad days and the tears and fears...... there were one or two surprises this year - in the friend category....... but that's ok.... it has never bothered me to trim back the "friend list" .......
Life is always sifting and changing.. a bit like the sands on the beach..... maybe the shifting tides just opened my eyes to see what i never noticed before........
or people on pedestals..... i am very guilty of that.. putting people on pedestals for one reason or another......... and it always hurts so bad when the pedestal crumbles and my 'hero' tumbles face first into the dirt....... problem is they probably never asked to put up there .. in that rarefied air... in the first place.... though some times words spoken - philosophies preached - ideology expressed has a hand in building that pedestal......... But i have learned an important lesson i think........ pedestals are for statues not for people...
i have learned that love is not some fairy tale "happy ever after" ending....... it is day to day living..... forgiving and caring and fighting and crying and laughing and holding and a whole mess of real life stuff. Not everyone figures that out you know.. that love is not a shining spotless thing....... it is bruised and bent and dirty and beautiful. It holds you close and makes the world a bearable place to be...
and i have learned that life .. LIFE .. is just too short and fragile and tenuous.
i have dumped a lot of baggage beside the fork in this road....... and am more than ready to move forward into 2008 with a renewed energy and love and courage.
And before i end this last entry for 2007 i want to take one minute to thank all of you who drop by so faithfully to read my words...... thank you for the comments you leave.. the emails you write.. the gentle ways you stroke my heart and make me happy.....