Ya know........ sometimes quickies are good... they just tickle the fancy and leave you wanting more...
This morning i received an email from dear swan wondering where i had disappeared to (very nice to know that i am missed when i am absent from writing for more than day or so) and it motivated me (the email that is) to post a quickie...... just so no one thinks i have disappeared completely into the great black void that is the internet........
i have a bug.... yeah another bug... Actually though, the last one (it appears) was not a bug but a gall bladder attack.. (it is amazing what blood tests reveal about you ) ....... and on top of that i had the goodbye party and a night Board meeting... and a Halloween party to plan for 100 kids.. and oh yeah.. a Halloween party tonite that Sir and i are going to... in Vermont.
The party at school involved numerous spooky games ... from "The Great Mummy wrap" ...

to the making of "Monster Hands"

to the eyeball hunt in cold spaghetti.......

And of course "Norm" was there to hand out the prizes to all the children!!
Tonite i am dressing up as O from the Story of O.. in the final scene.. with the owl mask and black cape .... (naked underneath for those of you who didn't see the movie) .... and hopefully i won't catch pneumonia from being naked in the cold...

until then.....................