i am not AS afraid of these things anymore (ok i admit it.. on a dark stormy night i still scrunch up under the blankets and squeeze my eyes shut tight ..... just in case!) Monsters and bogey men and trolls are not real....... right??? WRONG! Trolls are real.. alive and living on the internet. and it is something that makes me angry.. no more than that.. it makes my blood boil.
One such troll approached me via email a month or so ago..... and requested that i link his site to my blog. i wrote back politely and informed him that i had forwarded his email to my Sir and i would await Sir's approval before i linked to a stranger. Sir decided i had enough links on my blog...... and i heard no more from this Dom.
Then on Monday i received an email from this Dom and He informed me that he had linked my blog on his site and then added: " Nothing is required on your behalf, but if you are not already doing so a link back is always appriciated." Polite email..... but bothersome to me.. why ?? i can't explain.. let's just call it a gut feeling. i tend to have a lot of "gut feelings" (they come in especially handy in my job) Anyway i went to take a more thorough look at his site.......... and that is when i discovered that trolls are very much alive and well.
This dom raises my hackles.... He is everything i have come to fear. He is trolling for sweet young submissives/slaves.. someone who will take him in. He is unemployed, homeless and according to one bit i read .. sleeping under a bridge. (now if that doesn't spell troll !!) A lot of questions came to mind.. like how can he maintain a web site if he is unemployed and homeless. He has popped up on a number of blogs i read...widely spreading his personal web.
i don't normally blog about such creatures........ i shrug my shoulders and move along......... but this time i just couldn't move along. i have written to this Dom and informed him that i wish the link to my blog be removed from his site...i do not want .. nor do i need....an affliation with trolls.
There will be no more trolls under any of my bridges!!!