i am sitting in a lovely lil hotel room... listening to the Sunday morning news on the television.... feeling warm and safe and cozy (and sorta dreading the drive back to reality in a few minutes)
We have had fun up here in our capital city... despite the cold -30 wind chill... my breasts are marked and my ass is sore..
if i can manage to organise my thoughts i will write a "Monday Morning Report" tomorrow, cause it was all a tad weird last night - mostly in my head - not necessarily in real life..
BUT for now i will sit in our lovely lil hotel room listening to the Sunday morning news, and watch the neighbours across the courtyard start their Sunday.
This blog is intended for adults only. It may contain BDSM content from time to time.

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
TA !! DA!!

did you realize it has been 9 months since i wrote on the fictional blog??? i couldn't believe it........ nine months is a long period of writer's block...........
it's over!!
As of 9:50 this morning there is a new segment to Behind the Screen
Now if life could just imitate fiction ..... wow............ (ok ok so that's my opinion)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tasks and more tasks

my list of tasks is fast growing........ remind me someone how much i love when Sir gives me tasks........... PLEASE!!
First off Sir was out on Monday night and He sent me a "task"............ write a story and have it posted by Thursday night......... (thanks so much to the anonymous commenter who suggested i write again!! ughhhhhhhhh)
ok ........ hang on a minute......... that is only one task........ and i am sure i had more......... didn't i ??
i could be in BIG trouble now !!
oh well........... writing a story is a big enough challenge....... and here it is Wednesday mid morning........ and i haven't written one word.. not one !! (i am praying for inspiration)
oh......... seeing as i can't remember the other tasks.. i will confess to you all instead....
Sir told me last evening that we were going to Ottawa on the weekend. (colour me surprised!!) And that announcement was a definite indicator to how vanilla we have become.. (ok ok maybe how vanilla *i* have become) ....... because i got all indignant and bent out of shape because Sir hadn't told me.
memo to self - i am sub........ i do NOT need to know these things.... i just need to be ready ........
i feel like i am bobbing in water over my head and sinking fast............. i really do need to get my act together............
First step - write write and write some more...............
So until Thursday pm .......... i will have my mind glued to this story i am supposed to be writing......... check back then............. either i will have had success or i will be in the dog house - spelled P U N I S H M E N T!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i had this really weird dream last night.........i don't dream much......... at least i don't remember them........ but last night's dream was as real as if it had happened.. and i still remember it this morning..............
Like with all dreams it was disjointed and stopped and started.. had no beginning and no end............
Sir and i were at a strange house...... it seemed to be a play party........ at least i felt it was a play party......... and Sir and i were standing around when this 'sexless' person (no features etc) came to speak to us......... and asked Sir if He would like to have a whooping. AND............ Sir said "yes" !!!??? He left with this person..........leaving me alone.. and i felt the tears and panic rising..... cause how was i gonna relate to Sir after He had a spanking??? how could He be my Sir if He was getting spanked??? i was panicked.
Then a Master, Sir and i know, showed up at my side with another man - whom i did not know... and they decided to bind my breasts. When i looked they had bound my nipples with this ugly florescent green cord and my nipples were sticking out soooooooooooo far they looked mutated. And when i looked closer they had wound this same ugly green cord around my waist. i seemed to get lost in the rope...........
And then i woke up......... and all i could think of was ............ did Sir really enjoy being spanked??!!
Now is that weird or what???!!
Any ideas what it means???
Sunday, January 24, 2010
peekin' in

ok .... so i haven't been around for a while...... and i have had some inquiring emails to see if i am still around.......
so today i thought i would post a quickie and let you all know i am alive and breathing.......
so i went looking for a pic to illustrate "peekin in" and found the above picture which made me grin... i love some of the polar bear pictures that are floating around on the net... in fact i have a really sweet one of a mama bear carrying baby bear on her back across the frozen tundra from last Christmas - hanging above my desk in my office. (ok - so how was that for a run on sentence??)
Anyway back to the point.......... peekin in to let you all know i am alive
It has been a month or two of busy-ness.....
let's see .. new baby grandson has been "off colour" since Christmas - which was worrisome for all involved (he does seem to have turned a corner and no one is any closer to really knowing what was wrong)
then there was the announcement of the closure of my school (and for those of you who don't know our system - hell even some of us don't know our system - i can't bump anyone..... despite having the 4th longest years of service)
then on the same lines there have been all sorts of rumours of what the Board is going to do with me...... and i am trying very hard not to listen to the rumours.. or to give them any credance - until i hear officially........ which means i don't think about it much during the day - but do think about them when i wake at 3 in the morning.........
and of course there are the every day normal routines that have to be gotten through.. from gangs in the school yard.. to a young student who just lost her leg to
bone cancer.... paper work, registrations for next year ... my own health issues - and some much needed time to refocus and realign.......
and for the one commenter who suggested i continue writing Behind the Screen.. not as easy as it seems.. i have to feel it in my heart.. see it in my minds eyes.... (which is a polite way to put " i really need to feel horny and sexy and used and abused" and i don't) so don't look for any installments for a while ok??
So ......... i am alive and getting well.,... and who knows i may be up and writing regularly again soon........
For today i have the grandkids and my kids coming over for birthday celebrations........ so i am off to blow up balloons and ice cakes and wrap presents...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i think i am in 'waiting' mode. And for those of you who read here know i am not .. absolutely NOT.. a good "waiter".
BUT it is good for my submissive soul to wait....... to learn to wait. It is like i need a re-adjustment to my attitude........ need it badly.
And the interesting thing ....... about this waiting........... about this re-adjustment .... i am finding my center........ and finding my need again.
i do think my need took an unwanted hiatus....... went AWOL........... and i didn't know how to get it back...........
Yesterday i had the first twinges of feeling antsy (i call it antsy) others may call it desire or need or craving........... but i felt them... the first twinges.
Fantasies are starting to haunt my waking moments again
And wet dreams are starting to haunt my nights again....
For now i will continue to wait ..........
Soon (i hope) all the pieces will be back together again.......
But waiting is good............. waiting is re-learning.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Weekend fun
Wanna see what i did over the weekend - huh? huh?? do you???
remember how i turned the 'play room' into a "play room" for the grandkids a couple of weeks ago??
Well the play room looked great but the rest of the basement looked like a junk yard... so i decided - as i was home for the weekend - that i would use my time alone constructively,
First i dragged everything out of the cupboard under the stairs.... everything.,. including all the crap from the previous owner (that went into the garbage) and then i started reloading the cupboard with all the summer stuff....... lawn chairs, tents, tent warmers, pillows, air mattresses... Now that cupboard is called the "summer storage" cupboard......

Then remember the picture of the laundry room from after the big clean up in the play room ?? No?? ok here it is again.........

Well storing all the garden stuff in the "summer cupboard" freed up room in there.. and et voila ......... my neat and tidy laundry room........ (the toys are stored under the pink blanket - so furnace repair guys, hydro meter readers and anyone else who needs access to the laundry room won't get an eyeful!!)

Then i dragged all the garbage bags upstairs - because of where i live i can't just put the garbage out at the curb - but now must take it to the 'dump' ....... so the bags are piled at the front door ready to go out tonite.......

And then ....... because my god the weekends are long when i am left to my own devices.... i decided to shovel out the wood pile on my back patio
BEFORE ............


And now i am about ready for a nice long hot bath..........
remember how i turned the 'play room' into a "play room" for the grandkids a couple of weeks ago??
Well the play room looked great but the rest of the basement looked like a junk yard... so i decided - as i was home for the weekend - that i would use my time alone constructively,
First i dragged everything out of the cupboard under the stairs.... everything.,. including all the crap from the previous owner (that went into the garbage) and then i started reloading the cupboard with all the summer stuff....... lawn chairs, tents, tent warmers, pillows, air mattresses... Now that cupboard is called the "summer storage" cupboard......
Then remember the picture of the laundry room from after the big clean up in the play room ?? No?? ok here it is again.........
Well storing all the garden stuff in the "summer cupboard" freed up room in there.. and et voila ......... my neat and tidy laundry room........ (the toys are stored under the pink blanket - so furnace repair guys, hydro meter readers and anyone else who needs access to the laundry room won't get an eyeful!!)
Then i dragged all the garbage bags upstairs - because of where i live i can't just put the garbage out at the curb - but now must take it to the 'dump' ....... so the bags are piled at the front door ready to go out tonite.......
And then ....... because my god the weekends are long when i am left to my own devices.... i decided to shovel out the wood pile on my back patio
BEFORE ............
And now i am about ready for a nice long hot bath..........
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i am back from the doctor's with a clean bill of health........ wow what an amazing feeling !!!
What an amazing support group i have here on the net...... words cannot express the thanks i have for each and everyone of you....... all that clapping helped me get through the last couple of days....
thank you
Now let's get back to the fun stuff .. what say you???
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sometimes life just up and bites ya in the ass ...... ya know??
Exactly 2 years ago the docs found something in my uterus .. scary something... i went through the biopsy from hell - without any freezing local or otherwise.. i went through 3 months of swallowing lil pills that made me sick and tired and depressed... BUT ... after one more biopsy from hell - i got a clean bill of health..
i went for my annual check up at the end of November this year. My doc told me that she felt something in my breast.... she signed the papers for a quick mammogram........ quick being this past Saturday at 9:00 am.
i have kept it all locked up tight in my heart .... there was after all Christmas to get through........ and Christmas is a happy time.. not a time for worries .......... BUT it started on January 4th. The worry .. the stress.. the out and out FEAR.
i have mangled my breasts till they are bruised ........ and i still can not feel anything............ a glimmer of hope?? or am i just grabbing at straws.
i try and try - as much as i can not to do the 'what if's' or the 'should have's' or the 'could have's' ........ without a whole lot of success i might add.
My mind goes to all those times my breasts were bound up tight .. purple tight... i think of all the needles that slipped so easily into all that delicate tissue........ and i wonder if my desire.. my need for pain is the reason i am in this spot today..........
Do you ever wonder about the effects BDSM has on your body?? Do you ever worry about it?? i have said many times that this is NOT safe ... but i entered into it willingly......... yeah there was the thought in the back of my mind about breast tumours.. damaged breast tissue......... and maybe that is why ....... over the last few years i can barely think about binding my breasts .. or sticking needles into them.. or clamping them............... (shrug) who knows???
i entered into it willingly and eagerly ......... and now i worry and stress and am so scared there are no words to describe it.......... (and no i do NOT blame Sir's desires .. this is all on my shoulders.. mine alone)
And so it was a quiet weekend....... me curled up in a tight lil ball on my chair.... feeling lost and scared.. and doing so much crying there shouldn't be any tears left.. poor Sir trying the best He could to support and cheer and be positive.
i have asked before......... and i am asking again........... if you believe in fairies...... please clap........ and keep clapping till Wednesday (when i see my doc and get the results)
Exactly 2 years ago the docs found something in my uterus .. scary something... i went through the biopsy from hell - without any freezing local or otherwise.. i went through 3 months of swallowing lil pills that made me sick and tired and depressed... BUT ... after one more biopsy from hell - i got a clean bill of health..
i went for my annual check up at the end of November this year. My doc told me that she felt something in my breast.... she signed the papers for a quick mammogram........ quick being this past Saturday at 9:00 am.
i have kept it all locked up tight in my heart .... there was after all Christmas to get through........ and Christmas is a happy time.. not a time for worries .......... BUT it started on January 4th. The worry .. the stress.. the out and out FEAR.
i have mangled my breasts till they are bruised ........ and i still can not feel anything............ a glimmer of hope?? or am i just grabbing at straws.
i try and try - as much as i can not to do the 'what if's' or the 'should have's' or the 'could have's' ........ without a whole lot of success i might add.
My mind goes to all those times my breasts were bound up tight .. purple tight... i think of all the needles that slipped so easily into all that delicate tissue........ and i wonder if my desire.. my need for pain is the reason i am in this spot today..........
Do you ever wonder about the effects BDSM has on your body?? Do you ever worry about it?? i have said many times that this is NOT safe ... but i entered into it willingly......... yeah there was the thought in the back of my mind about breast tumours.. damaged breast tissue......... and maybe that is why ....... over the last few years i can barely think about binding my breasts .. or sticking needles into them.. or clamping them............... (shrug) who knows???
i entered into it willingly and eagerly ......... and now i worry and stress and am so scared there are no words to describe it.......... (and no i do NOT blame Sir's desires .. this is all on my shoulders.. mine alone)
And so it was a quiet weekend....... me curled up in a tight lil ball on my chair.... feeling lost and scared.. and doing so much crying there shouldn't be any tears left.. poor Sir trying the best He could to support and cheer and be positive.
i have asked before......... and i am asking again........... if you believe in fairies...... please clap........ and keep clapping till Wednesday (when i see my doc and get the results)
Monday Morning Report,
private thoughts,
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Once upon a time.. someone said they would be interested in reading/seeing more information on the food i feed Sir........ personally i think it is boring... cause i don't fix fancy meals most of the time... just good old fashioned meat and potatoe sort of meals.
But tonite i decided to fix a fancy pasta dinner......Chicken Piccata with Angel hair pasta to be exact.
So i fried and boiled and cooked... and served..
Personally i give it a 3 out of 5.. a lot of work and tasty enough - but i think i prefer my homemade spaghetti sauce and plain spaghetti (or noodles).. a lot less work and a whole lot tastier... but that's me...
Here is the meat browning......... (i definitely put too much chicken in at one time.. and i HATE - with a passion - the smell of frying meat!!!)

Here is the chicken simmering in the sauce.....

Finally here is the chicken piccata served up on the angel hair spaghetti.

But tonite i decided to fix a fancy pasta dinner......Chicken Piccata with Angel hair pasta to be exact.
So i fried and boiled and cooked... and served..
Personally i give it a 3 out of 5.. a lot of work and tasty enough - but i think i prefer my homemade spaghetti sauce and plain spaghetti (or noodles).. a lot less work and a whole lot tastier... but that's me...
Here is the meat browning......... (i definitely put too much chicken in at one time.. and i HATE - with a passion - the smell of frying meat!!!)

Here is the chicken simmering in the sauce.....

Finally here is the chicken piccata served up on the angel hair spaghetti.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Complacent - means - uncritically satisfied with oneself.
That surprised me... i honestly thought complacent meant something more along the lines with laid back.. taking it easy - and i guess in a way it is the same thing......
Anyway.. i was thinking over the last few days how complacent i have become in my D/s , M/s relationship with Sir. It all seems so easy....... fetch His drinks, make sure He takes His pills on time, make sure the meals are made on time, wait for permission to enter a room, present my ass when Sir wishes to spank it or needle it or cut it.
Everything is just flowing along nicely.
Yet it has been nagging at me... and i didn't know why. It feels as though the other shoe is about to drop....... ya know what i mean?? like things are too good right now.. too easy. i know i know.. don't look for trouble !!
BUT being complacent isn't always a good place to be either. Shouldn't one always be striving for better.. for challenges.. for adventure???
Isn't it something - maybe just perhaps we should be apologizing for.. not patting ourselves on the back over???

Anyway all these thoughts have been running through my head lately...........maybe cause there was a bit of a rough patch over on the Heron Clan over the holidays... maybe it made me sit up and pay attention......... and realize how easy life is around here these days.
i don't get all worked up when it seems to be more vanilla than BDSM... i don't get all worked up when it is more BDSM than vanilla... i don't get worked up over how good the sessions are.. or how horny i am (which i'm not - which makes me wonder if this complacency is detracting from my animal instincts so to speak)
Life is just muddling along..............
Until this morning
When i read what swan wrote on ”starting over” i suddenly realized that's IT......... that's what's wrong. Sir and i aren't muddling along so to speak......... it is more that we have "settled".
And i don't think i like settled. i know over the last couple of years i have said and done things that have given Sir a "message" ........... not the message i actually intended........ but nevertheless a message. And Sir has done things that have given me a "message" ......... i would like to think is not the message He intended either....... but still a message.
i am thinking now complacent is more like settling.......... and i am not sure i like that .. not one little bit.
Now i don't have any answers.......... but then i had to pin down the question first right?? and i think i have............. now i just have to work on the answers so that Sir and i aren't "settled" .. aren't complacent.......... but continue to have a vibrant growing challenging (in a good way ) relationship.
And if all of this doesn't sound very "slave like" or "subbie like" to you........... oh BITE ME!!!!!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
The Great Reveal
Do you ever watch the show Extreme Home Makeovers?? (i think that's what it is called )
Sir and i tend to watch it on a Sunday evening when there is nothing else worth watching. i love to see the first few pics of the house - then would love to skip to the end when they all shout "MOVE THAT BUS" and this palace is revealed to one and all.
Ok.. so i had this great post to put up.......... the Great Reveal....... except for one thing......... i can not - no matter how hard i look - find the 'before' shots. i do know i posted the pictures to my blog some time back ........... i have looked but can't find them. i knew i had them on a CD somewhere - i looked but i couldn't find it.
Right... pictures of what i hear you asking........... pictures of our playroom/dungeon... with all Sir's toys hung on the wall, with the oriental theme, and the cross in the corner and and and......... well i can't find the pictures so so much for the "MOVE THAT BUS" moment.
And what great reveal .. i hear you asking.
Well Christmas proved to be (once again) a little noisy and more than a little crowded. i said how nice it would be to have a room to throw the grandkiddies into to play away from the grownups. Sir wanted to take His trains out of the basement, but i don't want that (unless of course He does it to make room for the new N scale plans)
While we were at the play party over the New Year's .. Sir said He would fold up the cross and put it away and i could turn the playroom into a vanilla playroom for the grandkids. On Saturday we went shopping for after season sales....... and with Sir's keen eye i found some good deals.
Yesterday Sir showed up here at the condo and took down the cross - just as He promised - and put it behind the laundry door (that's how small it folds up!!) And left me to work on the room.
Today was the day.........i scrubbed the floor, and scrubbed the walls, took down all the toys and assembled the clothes rack to hold them, i vacuumed the rug and shampooed spots (gotta love cats and hairballs) and then the fun began....... decorating and rearranging.
Ok .. so i don't have the "before" shots....... but i do have the after shots................
so let's all shout together now.........
Here's some close ups of the new decorations
Now as for the toys.......... well they are on a rolling clothes rack......... and can be stored in the laundry room when the kids are here......... and rolled out into the room when needed. There are still the hooks in the ceiling so Sir can hang me.. or the cross can be brought out and put up in no time at all !!!
ahh yes .. and there was one last thing Sir found for me......... a coffee table for the living room !! i have been looking for just the right one... right size and right ambiance and Sir found it for me !! and on sale !!!
AND that is it for the Great Reveal ........
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Best Ever

At the party on Thursday evening...... when we had joined the others back in the main play area, Sir whispered in my ear that He wished He could use His knife on me. Now personally i didn't see why He couldn't........ hell at the mention of the knife i was ready to strip down and fling myself at His feet. i also looked lovingly at the rope cage not being used and could envision myself naked, arms pinned tightly to my side, and Sir using His knife to carve pretty patterns on my body.
dara left a comment on my blog where i discussed this rope cage... and left a link to a leather one.. that inspired me to look for a hanging rope cage and i found one.. very similar to the one at the party.........

Anyway......... once again i digress.......
The knife play was put on hold for another time and place. yeah i was disappointed.......... but that's ok..... cause what happened when we got home more than made up for that little disappointment !!
On Saturday evening Sir had me strip down and lay myself out on the sofa for a whooping........... it was fun.. and He used the perverted cheese board as a solid wooden paddle, as well as the paint stirrer, and the leather strap. Just when i was sure He was finished, He sat down on the floor beside me and proceeded to stick needles into my ass. Can i say "yummy"???? i don't think Sir has ever needled me after a paddling and the sensations were more intense.
Then while i was lying there all pinned down (so to speak) Sir disappeared. i could hear much fumbling around in the other room......... and then paper rustling and i couldn't for the life of me figure out what He was getting.
i didn't bother to lift my head when Sir came back into the living room....... sometimes the thrill of the unknown is better than knowing. i assumed He had gone to get a knife........ but i was so wrong !!!
Sir had gone and gotten the wartenberg wheel (i checked the spelling Sir - cheeky grin)
You can see an example of the wheel in the top picture.
He ran that wheel over and around the needles..... up my back, down my sides, down my thighs, up and down the sides of my breasts...... and across that spot...... you women know what spot i am talking about - the one at the very base of the spine. Oh my god !!! the pain was exquisitely wonderful.
This was even more enjoyable than the knife which has one singular point. The wartenberg wheel has evenly spaced sharp pins that roll across the body. Each pin prick is felt and magnified - especially when the skin has already been tenderized with a whooping, and needles !!!
Definitely better than knife play (though i had no lasting marks/carvings on my skin to admire the next day)
Yup .......... sometimes it pays to wait. yup yup yup !!
oh and for those of you who are wondering what the "Spank in the New Year" involved. It had nothing to do with 2010 spanks .. or challenging the Doms to see how many spanks they could fit in in the last 10 seconds of the year.
Nope ........ what they did...... around 15 minutes to midnight, they had all the subbies come over to this large rectangular metal thingy (don't you just love my descriptions?? !!) which was suspended from the ceiling and they cuffed each of us to it. Then when we were all firmly and securely attached, and the device was elevated so we were all on tippy toes, the Doms were asked to get their favourite spanking implement, (if they didn't have any - the hosts were more than happy to loan out some of theirs) and then at exactly 1 minute to midnight, the spanking commenced. We subbies had to do the traditional countdown 10.. 9... 8... well you get the idea......while the Doms spanked in the New Year !!
All in all it was an excellent way to bring in the New Year, with a warm ass, good friends, and my Sir !!
Monday, January 04, 2010

i am not so different from everyone else actually. Over New Year's i was rethinking my life...... the path i have chosen to take.......... mistakes i have made.. people i miss dearly... stresses and worries still to come........ you know.. my life in review............
On Thursday night at the Spank Down to New Years Party - i realized something else......... i haven't exactly worked it all out yet........ but this is a start - putting it all down here..........
Sir asked me ........ yes ASKED me .. if i wanted to play. i guess i am getting used to His asking me........... He is nothing if not very polite. i realized in the old days i would have been chomping at the bit......... getting antsy and fidgety and even cranky waiting for Sir to take me off to play........... but not so much these days. What is that about ??!!!
Unfortunately most of the "good" equipment was being used in the BIG dungeon and that left the St. Andrew's cross - my favourite piece of equipment actually - but is it??? maybe not so much. The Cross used to be my favourite - cause in the old days - when / where we played - the choices were limited. Mostly there were slews of spanking benches and one Cross. i personally HATE spanking benches!! i hate how they press into my diaphragm making me feel like i am gonna puke... i hate how when Sir binds my legs to the bench how exposed i feel....... my pussy i mean !!! So i would work myself up into a state.. such a state !! that by the time Sir had me on the spanking bench i would be dry heaving and panicking. So it came to be that the Cross became my favourite piece of equipment.
But now.......well at least at this friend's dungeon - there are so many different pieces of equipment....... there was one that i know i can't describe and do it justice... it was sort of/kind of a rope cage that you stepped into and when inside it .. it was cranked up till you were hanging from the ceiling..........i had a little time inside it.. and oh the images that danced around in my head. i am terrified of height...... and at first nearly wet myself at being so high off the ground..... but later when i was safely down on the ground....... i thought how much fun it would have been suspended in the cage (which does not allow any body movement!!) naked and have Sir using His knife on me... god that could be amazing !!
Anyway i digress..now a days there are all sorts of devices that allow suspension while the sub/slave is being whooped.. and played with. i know in our play room i am happiest most times hanging from the chains in the ceiling. It does put a tremendous strain on my shoulders and arms.. especially when i am off with my fairies and my legs refuse to support me properly........ but still it is my favourite position these days.
But on New Year's eve the only equipment available was the cross in the smaller play room and so Sir put me on it. Everyone else was playing in the bigger room.. or watching in the bigger room........... and i couldn't help but feel like the wall flower at a school dance. There was no 'energy' out there....... and the nice thing about playing publically is the energy - if i want solitude i can get that at home .......thank you very much !!
The other thing i noticed - after the fact - that though i got up there with my fairies.. i am not going up as high as i used to......... why i don't know....... it certainly doesn't have anything to do with Sir's ability........ though it might have to do with how long He keeps me up there.......... and i think Sir worries a tad when i am "gone" and so He brings me down - literally and figuratively - before i am ready to come down.
When we returned to the big room to watch the others play......... i noticed that there wasn't a whole lot of .. i think swan called it .. "old fashioned whooping" oh there was the electric play that i talked about yesterday......... and there was some knife play (which in my opinion had absolutely no finesse at all !! and looked for all the world like some sort of sneak attack on the poor subbie) oh there was some "whooping" but ya know if the subbie's ass doesn't even get pink i don't consider it much of a whooping............
When each of the subbies came down from their piece of play equipment not one of them was enjoying any sort of 'high' from the play (well that excludes the subbie doing the electric play - she was very spacey when she came down) ...... and i wondered if i was some sort of weird animal. i need/crave/desire that spacey finale to the play - if i don't have it somehow i feel cheated.
Maybe i am old......... maybe the endorphins that race through my blood are slowing down.......maybe the other subs don't get that endorphin rush 0r don't want it publicly (it is a bit like being drunk and some prefer to do their silliness in private) But i did miss the intensity that used to be found at public/private play parties. Today it seems to me that everyone is more worried about impressing the crowd....... or maybe they just don't really know HOW to do it??
i don't know.
As for me...... i have to work out this slowing down in desires........ is it my age?? Hell i don't even get 'horny' like i used to........... it has been absolutely ages since i asked Sir's permission to masturbate with my favourite vibrator.....
maybe i am just out of practice
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Well we are home from the cross border party - no worse for wear. The weather cooperated - mostly - and though there was snow it was a far sight better than a whole lot of other places !! (Though the drive down the mountain - Sir says it was at least a 30 degree angle - over snow covered ice - was about as much as i could handle!)
i tried yesterday to post an entry about the party and i got as far as uploading the above pic....... and selecting a title and there all inspiration ran dry.
i realize that too much happened over the last 3 days or so, and it is all crowded into my lil subbie brain - screaming to come out.......... which makes for disjointed and confusing postings............ so bare with me here........
The one thing that really stands out in my head........... like a giant flashing neon road sign......... was the electro / pussy torture that was done.......and i am thinking if i don't get that out there i really won't be able to focus on anything else............
The house we were at has an amazing play area........ huge....... totally HUGE..... with so much equipment it boggles the mind!! A lot of their equipment involves winches - and hanging from the ceiling. There is an inverted cross..... honestly i don't know what to call it....... it is a cross on it's side suspended from the ceiling that the sub/slave can be tied to......... the beams of the cross are nicely padded and covered in leather with restraints at all the right places.
Early in the proceedings (the spank down to 2010) a young submissive was stripped and bound to this cross. Her Dom placed under her ass one of those hospital pad thingies (for what became obvious reasons) and then He stepped back and another Dominant went to work on her. There were electrodes attached to all vital parts of her body - her nipples, her clit, the inside of her thighs, and a large metal ring with a long screw "handle" was inserted into her pussy (the metal screw thing was left outside the body so only the ring was inside her ) - as a side note - it is damn difficult to draw pictures and make sure everyone gets IT !!
A small black box was placed on her belly.
There was no fanfare or sparks flying or anything else that might indicate what was actually going on........ but i had a seat pretty much at her feet - so i had a good view of what was going on................. the Electric Dom (as i will call Him) would turn a small button on the lil black box and i would watch as her body would levitate or twitch, and i would listen to the sweet music of her moans .. or jump to her shrill cries.
i watched as Electric Dom would move a small pointy thing down (every once in a while ) and touch the metal screw that was protruding from her pussy... that brought the loudest moans and cries. BUT when Electric Dom would place - what looked to be a small rubber backed material over her clit........ her whole body would twitch and shake and her head would roll from side to side.......her body straining against the restraints.
This scene took place over the better part of an hour........ i wondered how she could stand such intense pain/pleasure. Her Dom never left side and would from time to time hold her hand or kiss the top of her breasts. But i am not even sure she knew He was there, she was so lost inside herself. Twice Electric Dom had to stop and loosen the restraints on her legs and replace them back on the cross as her body had fought so hard against the restraints that her leg would slip down the side and just twitch there.
i am not sure if i liked what i was watching - i do know i couldn't NOT look - it was as though something would go terribly wrong if i took my eyes off her.......... and i know i have absolutely no interest at all in ever experiencing even 1/3 of what she experienced...... hell not even 1/32 of it!!!!!
Afterwards i did sit and chat with her a little bit...... when she was down - literally and figuratively. i asked her to describe what it felt like........... and she said some of the time it just felt like tingling.......... but when Electric Dom would crank it up - it felt like needles being jammed into her body.
Oh yeah............. and the hospital pad thingy?? well when her Dom pulled the metal ring/screw thing out of her pussy she squirted - what appeared to be gallons of juices........... her Dom laughed out loud and was wiping His face when He told her she "got Him" !!!
It certainly was an electrifying start to the New Year's Eve Party - their own 'fireworks' you could say.
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year !!

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning,
But a going on,
With all the wisdom that experience can instill in us
~Hal Borland
But a going on,
With all the wisdom that experience can instill in us
~Hal Borland
May the New Year bring you happiness rather than sadness, gain instead of loss, love instead of pain. And may every day be filled with adventure.
Happy New Year from Sir and i
Happy New Year from Sir and i
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