This blog is intended for adults only. It may contain BDSM content from time to time.

Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
I have had some time this week to look back on life - and to look forward. It stuck me how my life (maybe yours too - but definitely mine) has been made up of very defined stages.
The first 5 years - baby years - growing preparing - getting ready.
And then the school years - where every year is marked by the June report card - pass or fail - move on or stay back.... striving for / working for the degree that will open up the next stage in life - WORK
And then WORK!! What - about 25 - 30 years of working - Monday to Friday - schedules - computers - paper work - meetings - endless meetings - working towards Freedom 55 right???
And finally you get there - what you have been rushing towards since you were born - retirement - the final goal. And it feels really weird to know there are no more goals to strive for.... no long term plans.. unless you consider death a long term plan. (and yeah I hope my death is a very long term plan) BUT it does feel funny to know that this last stage of my life is leading not towards more of something different - but to my death,
I know I know I am being a bit morbid this Saturday morning - but think about it - it IS my long term goal this time round............ death,
I do believe I will monogram this little saying on my pillow case so it is the last thing I see when I go to bed and the first thing I see in the morning......
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
by Hunter S. Thompson
Friday, June 28, 2013
Suits My Mood
Yup its pouring rain - AGAIN - and it totally suits my mood.
Once upon a time someone said "the best place for family is framed hanging on a wall" and I am thinking maybe they were right,
Just a little back history...............
A year ago when I told my girls I was moving to Kingston with W.......youngest daughter threw a major hissy fit and screamed at me for over an hour. It hurt me to the core - tore my heart out - BUT it didn't change my mind. I knew things would work out - her fears that I would never come back to visit - to see her or my grandchildren were unfounded. (But it hurt that she thought I would do such a thing!!)
Then for the past month of living with eldest daughter - both of the girls have
(I thought) been trying to figure out when exactly I was leaving for Kingston - cause (stupid me) I thought they wanted to have some family dinner thing to say goodbye. I even thought of sending them emails saying "I hate goodbyes and am not seriously going anywhere." But I didn't. and boy am I glad.
It turns out baby daughter is planning a family reunion for her father's side for tomorrow night and I guess they wanted to make sure I would be gone.
What pisses me off royally - is that neither daughter thought I should know this!! Here I have been trying to help them both deal with my moving... taking eldest daughter out to dinner tonite and bringing breakfast into your baby daughter tomorrow morning on my way out of town and quite obviously my leaving isn't a big deal anymore.
I don't know - maybe I am being a crazy old lady here.......... probably am......... but I can't help but wonder why they couldn't tell me about this family reunion. I wouldn't have gone - EVEN if I was still living here - not what I do... not what I have ever done.
Oh hell I am just pissy - my mood fits the dark wet weather outside the windows... I will take eldest daughter out to dinner tonite and I will bring breakfast to the other daughter tomorrow - and then I will put the pedal to the metal and go to Kingston - to W who loves me unconditionally - and settle in where I am wanted.
(getting down off my soap box and putting it away)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
May I have Your Attention Please
As of 10:30 this morning I locked my office door for the last time ............ for the very last time EVER !!
I am now officially retired.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Itch Itch Scratch Scratch
Ok - so I woke up this morning with this itchy red rash around my right leg/ankle, I put some cream on and went to work.
By the time I got to work - the itch was driving me crazy. So my principal who couldn't stand the scratching for one minute more - sent me to the clinic.
After 2 hours of waiting with coughs and fevers - the doctor said "allergy" I thought "no shit Sherlock" but smiled sweetly. He said it was a severe reaction to mosquito bites (which pretty much surround the right ankle)
I casually mentioned that I had just started taking fish collagen capsules and could that be the cause rather than mosquito bites?? Nope - nothing wrong with taking fish collagen - at worse I would have an upset stomach - definitely mosquito bites,
He told me to take some anti-histamines - elevate and ice the leg and come back tomorrow if it gets any worse.
I HATE anti-histamines - no matter how non-drowsy they are I always land up sleepy. But I am a good patient (and hate ugly red rashes and itchy scratchy) so I bought the pills he promised wouldn't make me sleepy and went back to work.
Exactly 35 minutes after taking this non-drowsy pill my eyes felt so heavy I swore I would fall asleep at my desk. The ice was freezing the ankle right down to the bone - which fortunately numbed the itch,
One hour after taking the pill my principal told me to go home as I was almost slurring my words and couldn't focus on the figures in front of me.
So home I came and promptly fell asleep for 2 1/2 hours........... non-drowsy right! I have elevated the leg and iced it till I have frost bite. The rash doesn't look a whole lot different than it did before I took the non-drowsy pills and started my regime of frost bite............ I can't help but wonder - in the back of my mind - IF it couldn't be a reaction to the fish collagen.
Personally I think I am gonna put vanity to the side for the next couple of days - stop the collagen pills and see what happens.
Oh yeah - and I am not gonna take any more of the non-drowsy pills during the day - bedtime sounds like a better plan!!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Fete Nationale
Today is June 24th - Fete Nationale - or also known as St Jean de Baptiste Day. It is my last St Jean de Baptiste day in this province - and after 60+ years I realized I didn't have a clue about it's origins.
It was actually first celebrated in June 1634 when the French revived an ancient Gallic Tradition in honour of the summer solstice. Around 1834 the St Jean de Baptiste society combined the Gallic celebration with a celebration for the feast of Saint Jean de Baptiste. And it was in 1977 that Rene Levesque (the then Premier of Quebec) recognised it as a National Holiday. Basically today it is seen as a separatist holiday - with parades, fireworks and political speeches.
As kids (and later as a teacher) we always saw June 24th as the official start of summer - school finished the Friday before - the swimming pools opened - the summer sun (usually) came out in full force. We celebrated 8 weeks of freedom.
Whatever the reason - whatever the cause - today is my last celebration of St. Jean de Baptiste day.
In past years W and I have always wandered over to City Hall and listened to the french bands - and hung around waiting for the 10 p.m. firework display. Not this year though - this past weekend - W came down and we went to a wedding, A vanilla/BDSM wedding. We all had strict orders (we being the BDSM side) to behave ourselves until the "granny" left. (which truthfully made me smile as "I" am a granny and didn't leave till the end)
W only came down for 24 hours and left yesterday after lunch. I hung onto him for what felt like forever - and he whispered in my ear - "only 6 more days" .......
Today eldest daughter and I have plans to sit in the sunshine (if the sun makes an appearance) and have a barbeque this evening. No fireworks - no french bands - just a quiet relaxing day.
Winding down my final days in Quebec ................
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Yesterday was more than overwhelming - I don't think there is a word to describe how full my heart was when I closed my office door.
It had been an afternoon of last goodbyes - to staff and parents and to "my" kids.
At noon I was summoned to the staff room where the administration and all the teaching staff had gathered. My principal made the presentation - talking about how most of the staff didn't know the real "me" that I keep that "me" pretty well hidden. But that she had considered herself very lucky to have been given a glimpse of the "real me" - the me that worked hard for the kids - put the kids first in all things - that cried when they cried and rejoiced when they succeeded. She had me in tears.......... it's funny how I always thought I kept my deepest feelings buried so that no one would/could see ......... but she had seen it - recognized and valued it.
Then they presented me with the biggest EVER gift basket - filled with cookies and treats and liqueurs and bubble bath and big thick towels......... and 2 gift cards that will allow me to purchase anything I want for the new house.
I think I am a very lucky woman - to have worked in my chosen profession for so many years and walked away - head high - proud of the work I have done.
Then two of my best friends at school "kidnapped" me and took me out to dinner... we spend 3 hours feasting and laughing and talking / gossiping. It was more than a little difficult to say goodbye when they dropped me at my car.
And so the year winds down. Next week I have some paper to clear up - my office to empty and the door to lock.
It has truly been a good run!
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Dash
"I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her casket from beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth
and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own,
the cars,
the house,
the cash,
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash."
(poem by Linda Ellis)
Believe it or not I heard that poem yesterday at a presentation - and it brought tears to my eyes. I have always wondered if I have truly made an imprint in this world. If I have truly made a difference.
Many years ago - about 57 of them to be exact - I vowed I would teach - and that I would make a difference in some child's life. I wanted at least one child to find the adventure in life - the fun.
But after 20 years - and so many children who have passed through my classroom - on these my last days - I wonder if I did really truly live up to the vow I made so many years ago,
And then as if planned - first one parent - then another and another filed through my office doors with cards and and gifts........... and almost every one of them thanked me for the impact I had had on their child.
One handwritten card said " if she is a pretty great kid, then I have you to thank for that!" And another said "For all the children's lives you have touched - thank you"
It was a very emotional afternoon for me. I held each child and said goodbye - not just for the summer but forever........ and forever is a very long time..
I just hope and pray that in this next portion of my life - I will find some small way to continue bringing some joy and happiness to people whom I meet.
I hope "the dash" between my dates is filled with laughter and joy and love.
The Dash
By Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning…to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth
And now only those who love her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own,
The cars…the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard;
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile…
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
- See more at:
The Dash
By Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning…to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth
And now only those who love her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own,
The cars…the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard;
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile…
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
- See more at: read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on her casket
from beginning to the end. He noted that first came the date of her
birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what
mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash
represents all the time that she spent alive on earth and now only those
who loved her know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard; Are there things you would like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what is true and real
and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives like we have never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile,
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions to rehash…
Would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thursday Sunshine
The sun is just coming up over the horizon - I half wonder why I am waking so early - but half of me knows why. I am excited.
The school year is almost over - only a day and half left with the kiddies - then a handful of days next week to finish off the paper work - pack up my office and I am done.
I have had some tearful "lasts" this week......... especially Graduation on Tuesday night. To see all my little women and men come in - transformed from the ruffians they are day to day - all looking a bit like Cinderellas - has always stunned me - this year more so.
Yesterday I had my final party with my kids - our annual Sundae School party and farewell gifts from me to them. (One day perhaps the significance of the little gift will mean something to them)
Last night W and I worked some more on this bloody agreement that we seem to have to have to start our new life together. (It's sort of / kind of like a prenup agreement) and I am feeling better about it. The sooner it is done - on paper - signed and sealed and all legal - then ........... THEN....... I will be able to go back to the "happy ever after" feelings.
The sun is shining - the work is finishing - all's right with the world
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Would you believe I have gone from months to moving to Kingston down to days until I move??? I can't believe it - the dream - the fantasy - it's almost here !
But there is one thing left to do - something W had talked to me about a year ago...... setting up a contract between us - laying out what's his .. what's mine...
And despite years of doing what I thought was right - I have nothing to bring to this union.. only my pension and a few dollars in my pocket from the sale of my house - that I want to spend fixing up the backyard - putting in a new front door - nothing big. I will bring just me to this union and my willingness to cook and clean and maintain ....
Basically this legal document is going to say I have no claim on anything. Pointe finale. Which makes me feel like everyone thinks I am a gold digger - gonna try and take W for all he's worth.. or try and get something from him after he's dead and buried.
It all just kinda takes the excitement/shine off the fantasy / dream - ya know what I mean?
I wish - in some stupid way - we could have a Master/slave relationship - one where He is responsible for me till I die..... and should He die before me - he would have me willed to some other Master for the duration of my life....... stupid eh?? yeah I know it's stupid and I know it's a fantasy that has no validation in this real world.
I probably need a huge dose of "reality" ........... and that is what this legalese stuff is doing - making me face reality.
Monday, June 17, 2013
It's really really early here......... even the birds haven't started serenading the day yet.
I am awake - cause - well I do that sort of thing from time to time - wake before the sun and sit and think and watch the sun rise over the tree tops and try and find some sort of sense or logic to my life.
Thanks to rail strikes that didn't happen and a wonky car, I stayed in town this weekend. I got to visit with baby daughter and the grandkids - which was wonderful... the grandkids - being kids - went into the freezing waters of the swimming pool. I can remember when baby daughter would try to beat her record for earliest swim of the year - If memory serves me right it was before May 24th weekend - and the water was 65 degrees - we always did call her the "polar bear"
It was fun watching the kids running screaming helter skelter into the pool - doing cannon balls and star fish dives and just laughing and playing. I promised myself no matter the move - the distance - I AM going to get back regularly to watch them play..... I will miss them all terribly.
And Sunday - which did NOT live up to it's name of SUNday - was spent huddled inside cursing yet another day of rain and nothing on television.
I could SO use some kink in my life starting with a decent spanking/flogging/whipping and finishing off with some sex............ how many more days till I get to Kingston???
I am awake - cause - well I do that sort of thing from time to time - wake before the sun and sit and think and watch the sun rise over the tree tops and try and find some sort of sense or logic to my life.
Thanks to rail strikes that didn't happen and a wonky car, I stayed in town this weekend. I got to visit with baby daughter and the grandkids - which was wonderful... the grandkids - being kids - went into the freezing waters of the swimming pool. I can remember when baby daughter would try to beat her record for earliest swim of the year - If memory serves me right it was before May 24th weekend - and the water was 65 degrees - we always did call her the "polar bear"
It was fun watching the kids running screaming helter skelter into the pool - doing cannon balls and star fish dives and just laughing and playing. I promised myself no matter the move - the distance - I AM going to get back regularly to watch them play..... I will miss them all terribly.
And Sunday - which did NOT live up to it's name of SUNday - was spent huddled inside cursing yet another day of rain and nothing on television.
I could SO use some kink in my life starting with a decent spanking/flogging/whipping and finishing off with some sex............ how many more days till I get to Kingston???
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Big Excitement
Wow - what an exciting day I had yesterday - I am surprised my heart could handle all that excitement!
Wanna know what happened ?? huh huh?? do ya??
I got my eyes checked - exciting right?? (cheeky grin)
and I am going blind - well not really - but I have managed to graduate to thick lens.
Anywayyyyyyyy I decided if my prescription was gonna cost me THAT much I wanted funky frames to lift my spirits.
The young girl serving me got excited - FUNKY glasses for a grandma!!?? no problem.
The only problem was - when I put the funky glasses on - I felt stupid...........
I am just not a funky kinda girl I guess................
So I went from something like this..........................
To something more like this......................
ahhhhh well the pair I bought are a bit like the ones on the far left - but in purple - which is a little bit funky right??
I get them next week - hopefully - and then my headaches should ease up - the need to lean into the computer screen and squint should be gone - and I should be able to run up and down the stairs again - and not feel like I am in some sort of fun house.
And that was my exciting Thursday.
(things had better start picking up in the excitement department pretty damn soon - I mean new glasses are the highlight of my week??!!)
Wanna know what happened ?? huh huh?? do ya??
I got my eyes checked - exciting right?? (cheeky grin)
and I am going blind - well not really - but I have managed to graduate to thick lens.
Anywayyyyyyyy I decided if my prescription was gonna cost me THAT much I wanted funky frames to lift my spirits.
The young girl serving me got excited - FUNKY glasses for a grandma!!?? no problem.
The only problem was - when I put the funky glasses on - I felt stupid...........
I am just not a funky kinda girl I guess................
So I went from something like this..........................
To something more like this......................
ahhhhh well the pair I bought are a bit like the ones on the far left - but in purple - which is a little bit funky right??
I get them next week - hopefully - and then my headaches should ease up - the need to lean into the computer screen and squint should be gone - and I should be able to run up and down the stairs again - and not feel like I am in some sort of fun house.
And that was my exciting Thursday.
(things had better start picking up in the excitement department pretty damn soon - I mean new glasses are the highlight of my week??!!)
Thursday, June 13, 2013
I have shared with you the pranks my staff - specifically two of my staff - have been pulling on me.
I have tried a couple of "pay backs" that back fired. But I didn't give up - I have been working on a plan for a couple of weeks.
I was waiting till the main instigator had a day free (she works two jobs) and yesterday was THAT day!
Soooooooooooo I went to work all prepared....... one roll of industrial strength/size saran wrap ... one pair of scissors........ one "pranked" sign
When everyone had settled into the morning routine - I left to go to a "meeting". Out in the parking lot I rolled up my sleeves and got to work - wrapping her car. The other staff coming in stood to watch (and laugh) They couldn't believe their eyes.
Let me tell you - shrink wrapping a car is much easier to picture in your head than it is to actually DO. But I worked at it.... and got it done.............
The pranked staff member laughed till she almost wet herself .......... and vowed revenge........ I may be walking to work from now on!!
I have tried a couple of "pay backs" that back fired. But I didn't give up - I have been working on a plan for a couple of weeks.
I was waiting till the main instigator had a day free (she works two jobs) and yesterday was THAT day!
Soooooooooooo I went to work all prepared....... one roll of industrial strength/size saran wrap ... one pair of scissors........ one "pranked" sign
When everyone had settled into the morning routine - I left to go to a "meeting". Out in the parking lot I rolled up my sleeves and got to work - wrapping her car. The other staff coming in stood to watch (and laugh) They couldn't believe their eyes.
Let me tell you - shrink wrapping a car is much easier to picture in your head than it is to actually DO. But I worked at it.... and got it done.............
The pranked staff member laughed till she almost wet herself .......... and vowed revenge........ I may be walking to work from now on!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Feeling a tad bitchy
I saw this picture this morning and my knee jerk reaction to it was "oh BITE ME"
Think positive - grrrrrrrrrrrrr - nothing positive is gonna get me through the next 3 weeks of living in two cities - in two different houses - NOTHING!! Never mind trying to keep the lid on 400 kids who have cabin fever from all this bloody rain - and can see summer break just around the corner
Last weekend I had a new subbie group over for coffee - and discovered that the honey I should have had in Kingston was actually in Montreal........
I am in Montreal and my warm clothing for cold weather is in Kingston - so I bring some warm clothing back to Montreal and it gets HOT-ish.
I had bought 3 weekends of train passes to Kingston (cause dontcha know it - my car is acting up and I don't have the time to get it fixed in Montreal - and am praying it will hold on till I drive that last long drive down the 401 right into the dealer's parking lot and announce "Fix it!" at the end of June) and of course because without bad luck I would have no luck at all - our train system is scheduled to go on strike this FRIDAY morning!! and there isn't a bus seat to be had........ so I am trying to negotiate some sort of seat on some damn train that might be running on Friday night ...
I am trying to hire contractors in Kingston - while I am in Montreal - to build a deck - put in flower beds and maybe even a water feature - and it's like they don't need the work?! cause they don't see the need for prompt quotes or estimates.... if at all. Answers to my emails for requests for quotes go something like this "send me your address I'll drop by" WTF?! I am discovering the meaning of small town - and Kingston time.
I look at the calendar and there are still 3 weeks till I retire - It felt like I must surely be down to two weeks............ and in those 3 weeks I have one weekend (this one) where I can't find transportation to Kingston - the following weekend W and I have a wedding to go to here - which now that I think of it - I really don't want to go..... and then the last weekend of packing up the car (saying a prayer over it) and driving to Kingston.... (ok ok I just realized that means only 2 weekends left here - ok ok so that might be a good thing)
I had to get it out there - well most of what is making me grind my teeth - the rest isn't for public consumption...........and now try to move into my day
Monday, June 10, 2013
It's Getting Emotional
Here I have been thinking this ending my career - this year of "lasts" was gonna be a snap!! I have been virtually galloping towards the end of the year - towards my retirement gleefully.
I have hit a couple of lasts that have brought tears to my eyes.
The first was last Friday - our Kindergarten registration day. I LOVE Kindergarten registration day. I do my song and dance routine - wow the parents - cuddle the kids - and dream of September when I get to know them all better.
Except - this last registration - as I finished off my song and dance - I realized (or maybe I should say it hit me upside the head) that I wouldn't get to know the parents better - wouldn't get to play with the kiddies - this was IT! the end!! and the tears burned the back of my eyes)
And then the girls from work took me out for lunch (before my train) and I was thinking "I can do this" last lunch with the girls.... easy peasy.
Except when they gave me my gift. A lot of thought went into my gift. They reaized I don't need more "stuff" - hell I am whittling down my "stuff" to meld with W's stuff. So they presented me with a spa bathrobe........ a beautiful thick long white spa robe. But it was more.......... a private joke between them and me............ Ya see this year when things don't go well - or someone asks me about next year - I have started using the phrase "Bite me" ......... when I opened up the robe - to the yells and cat calls from the girls to "put it on .. put it on" (funny I always thought it was "take it off - take it off") but I digress.... I opened up the robe and embroidered across the chest were these words:
I have hit a couple of lasts that have brought tears to my eyes.
The first was last Friday - our Kindergarten registration day. I LOVE Kindergarten registration day. I do my song and dance routine - wow the parents - cuddle the kids - and dream of September when I get to know them all better.
Except - this last registration - as I finished off my song and dance - I realized (or maybe I should say it hit me upside the head) that I wouldn't get to know the parents better - wouldn't get to play with the kiddies - this was IT! the end!! and the tears burned the back of my eyes)
And then the girls from work took me out for lunch (before my train) and I was thinking "I can do this" last lunch with the girls.... easy peasy.
Except when they gave me my gift. A lot of thought went into my gift. They reaized I don't need more "stuff" - hell I am whittling down my "stuff" to meld with W's stuff. So they presented me with a spa bathrobe........ a beautiful thick long white spa robe. But it was more.......... a private joke between them and me............ Ya see this year when things don't go well - or someone asks me about next year - I have started using the phrase "Bite me" ......... when I opened up the robe - to the yells and cat calls from the girls to "put it on .. put it on" (funny I always thought it was "take it off - take it off") but I digress.... I opened up the robe and embroidered across the chest were these words:
It was PERFECT!!
The tears burned the back of my eyes again........... and I could say (in my thank you/goodbye speech) that I honestly couldn't think of a better way to end my career but with this wonderful team of women.
Sunday, June 09, 2013
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Little Changes
Almost a year ago we found this little house in Kingston - my dream retirement city. Almost a year ago I started to picture this lil house as ours - with our "stuff" and us in it.... maybe not "our" dream home - but certainly my dream home!!
We are combining two households into one. It is happening - small square foot by small square foot - a transformation is happening.
Every Friday when I arrive another piece to the puzzle - that will be our new home - has been carefully fitted and placed.
This Friday night the small pieces worked on this week overwhelmed me - I walked from room to room gasping at the work W had done during the week.......... my red curtains in my quiet room had been hung........... my blessed bulletin board that I post all my brightly coloured "post-it" notes on (my answer to electronic calendars!!) was hanging in my quiet room ... pictures hung in the bathroom (YES the bathroom - it has 4 walls right??!! just like every other room - so why not hang pictures!!) BUT best of all - my kimono was hung in the stairwell........ dramatic deep blue with red and gold dragon (god only knows how W got it up there - straight as an arrow too !)
Yes my dream (maybe W's too) of our lil dream house in Kingston is coming together....... and I feel very very lucky to have a Sir who moves heaven and earth to make this house feel like home for me... and be my geisha retreat !!
Thursday, June 06, 2013
The Dreaded Change
A number of people have asked me recently how I am handling the huge changes coming in my life.............. which truthfully did give me pause. Usually when change looms on my horizon I immediately go into a corner in the fetal position and wait till the worst is over.
I realized - for the most part - that is not happening this time. It has been a process for sure - and not something I have dreaded (too much) or been frightened of........... and yeah I have to admit it has amazed me.
But I was asked this past week a question that I didn't really answer - cause I had a brain fart and couldn't put the emotions/feelings into coherent words.
I was asked if this relationship with W was going to be vanilla from now on - 'cause that was how it looked to this person.
This is the first time that W and I will actually live together for more than a weekend or a week. 24/7 - 365 days of the year. I think that most are figuring it ain't gonna work. These people only see the "me" I let the world see. The administrator - the strong woman who has stood on her own two feet - mostly alone - for the last 20 years or so.
I don't let people see the "me" inside. shrug - cause truthfully it ain't none of their business.
i know that D/s or M/s or whatever the hell you want to call it will be lovingly and carefully sculpted by W and me. It won't be any "50 Shades of Grey" or " Story of O" sort of D/s or M/s or whatever the hell you want to call it/ label it. We won't read the net and think we aren't doing it right cause everyone else does it differently.
NO our D/s will be just that........OURS...... it will fill our needs and wants and desires and if from the outside it looks vanilla - shrug - well that's YOUR opinion........... for U/us it will be something that fits like a comfy slipper molded to us - to our life together
And if it takes the rest of our lives to get it just right - who cares - Change is a process not an event!!!
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Dreaded lunch
One of the dubious joys of my job is supervising the lunch period.... which means feeding 400 kids in an hour. It is a noisy... frantic.... hellish hour. And I dread it.
One of the other dubious joys of this lunch hour is trying to teach
For me lunch time is the one time of the day when the worst could conceivably happen.
I have been patting myself on the back that here I was down to the last 3 weeks of my career - and I had survived lunch time........... as had the kids. I should have held the congratulations till the last kid left the building on the last day !!!
Today at noon I was walking between the tables chatting with kids when I heard a shout from across the room. I looked up to see one of the lunch staff waving her arms like a mad woman and everyone standing up. I instantly became "super woman" and flew over kids and tables to the problem.
One of my children was choking.
It amazes me how quickly my mind goes into automatic........ I was accessing the situation before I even got to the child. I realized she was 1) breathing - good sign and 2) coughing - even better sign.
It turned out she had simply choked on her last bite of sandwich - it got stuck in her throat and after much coughing and crying - and back rubbing - she managed to unstick it!! A drink of milk washed the last of the sandwich all the way down.
It wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been - but boy oh boy did it teach me not to sign off on the job until the very last day !!!
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Saturday, June 01, 2013
Just a Quickie -
This is just a final update on the sale of the lil townhouse..............
W came down yesterday morning - to take me to the notary appointment (cause I had a minor panic attack about finding the notary's office AND finding parking - as parking is at a premium here)
We arrived at 1:20 the appointment was for 1:30 the notary finally took us all at 1:45!!
Part of my nerves were due to the fact there are 3 - count 'em THREE - lawsuits against the association - and I have heard that other sellers have had to put money into a trust fund till the court cases are resolved. (and we all know that could take YEARS!)
The buyers of my lil townhouse picked a really good (tongue in cheek) notary - he didn't find the lawsuits. So - lucky me - by 2:20 all the documents were signed - keys given over and W and I were on the road to Kingston.............. finished done complete!!
Hakuna Matata!!
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