Saturday, February 20, 2021




This was definitely hair cut week around this house....... much needed hair cut week I might add.  I was SO done with my sticky up hair... and as it turns out so was the lil one.

She got her hair cut on Thursday night - Sir Steve picked up supper from McD's on the way home - we gobbled it down and then the lil one and daddy headed off to the hairdresser.  (and I got an hour all to myself - in peace and quiet - le sigh - heaven!)


(the pic is from a summer cut - same cut - and sooooo damn cute!!)

She was so funny when she got home..  she announced 'it feels so bouncy again!'...  


Yesterday was my turn.......... it felt so good to know I was going to get 30 minutes of pampering... and new faces to see - and someone new to talk to....... I love my hairdresser!! She's such a cute 20 something... and pregnant with her 2nd child!! I try not to think about her maternity leave.......... GAH!!!  but for now....... all's right with the world........ 

I think I may have mentioned I have my hair cut in an asymmetrical cut which is cute - but needs to be trimmed every 3 - 4 weeks - otherwise - OMG I look a bit like the Bride of Frankenstein ............ 

Here's a pic that sorta looks like my cut........ 


actually is pretty damn close !  only the colour is different - and my hair is no where near as thick -- but I love it !!! 

Life is good when you can finally get a hair cut!!! 


  1. I love that cut - I love the color of the hair in the picture too. That's about the color of mine. Which hasn't been cut in forever. I'm going to become one of those old ladies in a ponytail soon. Glad you got your hour of quiet. Lil one's hair is cute too. Hope this is a good week for you. Oprah was very generous to me!

  2. got my hour yesterday -- AND -- Sir Steve came and did groceries with me this morning !!! (he has always wanted to - but stubborn me thought it was 'my' job) Things are shifting around here me thinks - mainly cause I am not being so stubborn!!

    soooooooo Oprah eh?? Monday may be a good day to visit blogland LOL

  3. Hurray for haircuts. I wear mine short too. and same as you, I need the 3-4 week trim. When we had a month long lockdown here I was lucky to have just gotten it cut the Friday before they announced it. And I managed to just about NOT kill anyone before I could get it cut again!

  4. ahhhhhhhhhh Fondles - a kindred spirit - you know what I went through... this lock down was from Dec 26 - this past Tuesday... I went 3 months!! between hair cuts GAH!!

  5. Life is good when you still have enough hair to need cutting :) O well at least mine is not so much bother these days


  6. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Oddly enough, Rosa had hers cut Saturday as well.

    Me? I just let her buzz me.

  7. kd - good for Rosa!!!!!!!!!! Sir Steve keeps his head bald (I LOVE bald men ) you men have it soooooooo easy (cheeky grin)

  8. I love that you are brave enough to go get it cut! It takes everything I have to let my daughter go and get hers cut. I haven't cut my hair professionally in 2 years. My daughter has cut it for me though.

    I am jealous of the hour of time alone though!

  9. oh Boo not that brave - desperate maybe.........

    Last year when I went from February till May I was SO desperate that when they opened I couldn't wait to go.... our salon is small - they usually book me late in the day - last appointment sort of thing.. yesterday there was only 2 women still there and they both left while she was washing my hair. They only have every other chair open - so more than 2 meters... and everyone wears masks - and I wear mine...... it's a little bit of a crap shoot I admit...... but I feel so much better......

    sending you hugs - been thinking of you and your 'weekend'

  10. Omgosh the little one's hair is so stinking cute, AND healthy. Ah the joys of youth, with no hair dye or greys!

    I can relate to what you were saying about your 20 something yr old hair dresser. I went for a walk today with our friends' daughter who is in her early 20s. There is just something about the way they express themselves, like life hasn't dragged them down too much or something. Or perhaps they have boundless energy, but regardless it always makes me feel joyful and lighter talking to girls in their 20s.

    I went to a store today that wasn't a grocery store. It was a little more crowded in some areas than I would have liked, but I got to look at pretty things, and it made my day! Happy to hear you had a good one yesterday


  11. pssssst willie - good day today too :) :)

  12. Hi Morningstar, hooray for haircuts! It sure does wonders for the soul. Both cuts look awesome, and cute :) yay for an hour of you time too.



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