Wednesday, January 27, 2021




Alive but barely............ 

I've had so many of you contact me to see how I am / where I am ... I was so moved!  BUT I haven't been doing well at all.. and not up to sitting at the pc typing anything... 

If you remember 10 days ago I took a fall outside on the ice...originally I f*cked up my right knee - but within 24 hours I realized it was more than that!  much more.  I had excruciating pain on the left side of my bum that ran down my left leg to my foot.  It's a burning pain.  It's an electric pain.  It's a make me sick to my stomach pain. I knew it was my sciatica.  So - heat / ice - tylenol - Voltaren and grit my teeth till it improved.  

I am ok during the day - sort of ok - but by midnight I am in excruciating pain - I can't lie down I can't sit up I can't walk - there is no relief at all!!! AND that level of pain drags on for hours - often till 9 /10 in the morning. Then it subsides to a dull roar.  I have been averaging 2 hours of sleep a day for a week ......... and that 2 hours is not in one stretch - but more in cat naps when the pain subsides.  The pain is making me nauseous and I have no desire to eat.  Not eating is making me shaky.  The pain is making my blood pressure go up and down like an elevator.

Monday I called my doctor.  I couldn't talk to him thanks to covid.  I did get a call from a Nurse practitioner .  She was very nice.  She went through a check list with me.. had I lost control of my bowels or urine? NO..... did I have weakness in my foot? NO.... did I have saddle pain? (whatever the hell that is!!  though the name gave me a mental picture) NO......... ok then.. so you have sciatica. WOW thanks I didn't know that!  (sarcasm) She gave me a website to download exercises to do... she told me to take tylenol and use heat and voltaren.  She told me if it got worse to go to the emergency department of our hospital.

RIGHT - emergency department of our hospital.  It's filled with covid! 

Last night I rocked all night long in pain.  I even thought of calling an ambulance.... but covid ya know?!  that scares me more than the pain.  

We do however have a walk in clinic affiliated with the hospital.  I called them this morning ... I explained my symptoms - explained my fear of covid - asked what could I do?? OMG!  the nurse was so nice.  She said we'll give you an appointment.  IF you can come in for 8am we will give you the first appointment of the day.   

So Sir Steve will work from home tomorrow ... I will go see a doctor ... and dear god hopefully I will get some relief.


  1. Oh Morningstar,

    This isn't funny any moree! I am so sorry! I have only had sciatica once and I never want it again! (gentle hugs). I am so glad you are heading to the clinic. I hope they will help.

    Thank you for letting all of us know. I know I was very worried not seeing you post and my anxiety had some VERY impressive thoughts....scared the bejesus out of me!

    Hugs and hoping for some really good drugs to bring the pain into control!

  2. Hi Morningstar,

    I hope the exercises will help until you can get to the clinic. Sciatica is no fun!


  3. Pain from chronic sciatica is often caused by prolonged inflammation. Tylenol can reduce pain but has little effect on inflammation. If your stomach can handle aspirin or ibuprofen, try one or the other and see if you can get some relief. Good luck.


  4. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Holy crap! I don't even know what to say! Take care of yourself and keep us posted. Other than that, do what makes sense and get yourself as pain free as possible.

    Not kidding here but is marijuana legal in your state, even just medicinally? Great for pain sometimes (or often) when nothing else seems to work.

  5. We're Canadian KD pot is everywhere here. Lol.

    Hey Morningstar, back pain ( and mouth pain) is the worst! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. I've had sciatica as well as inflammation of the perfomis (sp) muscle. I agree if you can take ibuprofen or Naproxen it might be a better bet. You can dose in between ( naproxen then Tylenol a couple hours later). The exercises did help me a great deal, but with your knee they could prove to be challenging.

    Hope this passes soon. I know first hand how all encompassing this is.


  6. Only had two rounds with Sciatica but I can understand where your at. I truly hope that the clinic has an effective solution


  7. That really stinks! I'm so sorry that you're in such pain. I really hope they can give you some relief tomorrow.

  8. Oh no Morningstar,I am so sorry to read this.I was worried whether you had done mote damage than you thought. I'm so glad you managed to get an appointment at the clinic and hope they will be able to help and provide some relief.


  9. That really sucks. So sorry. I hope they can do something for you when you go for your appointment. Please let us know how you get one.


  10. OH gawds. I hope they will be able to do something about that pain! it sounds frightful.

    It's fantastic that they're letting you go in pronto instead of waiting some more!

  11. SO sorry you have to cope with this!! That is awful! Nothing worse than sciatica! Hope the doctor can do something for you.


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