Monday, January 11, 2021

BIG Excitement



So - because of the increase in Covid numbers - especially here in our little town - I have had to find a better time to do the grocery shopping.  The online ordering of food has not worked out well at all - never mind that now we have to pay $3.00 to order our groceries on line - but they are always missing something from my order.  

The only time I actually have to do the shopping is Friday after 2 - when the lil one goes to her mother's.  The crowds have been growing at that hour - and our local shop hasn't been limiting the numbers very well either.  

Now I could go at 7 am on Thursday or Friday  -- the designated 'senior's shopping hour' .......... BUT...... Sir Steve leaves for work at 7 .... and would have to make arrangements to be late on the day I go shopping.  Early morning shopping makes the most sense to me.  Our shops are doing big cleanings every night...... the number of shoppers is lower early in the morning - so safer shopping time.

I decided two weeks ago to try going to the shops on Sunday morning at 8 (when they open) ... there were hardly any shoppers..... most of the shoppers there were seniors .... and the shelves are mostly stocked.... so a win/win for me.   

So now my big excitement for the week is going shopping on Sunday morning at the crack of dawn............. WOW!  so much fun........ le sigh.

I am feeling cranky -- and just a bit depressed.  My week involves sitting at home overseeing this long distance learning and doing the household chores.  No gym time... not even time to go for a walk.  I keep hearing the best way to ward off depression is exercise....... or walking.  BUT I want to walk alone... ya know?!  I have the lil one under my feet all day long - IF I go out - I want to go out alone!!  BUT Sir Steve doesn't get home till 5ish - two problems with that.. 1) it's dark by then.. and 2) it's time to start the dinner prep.  Therefore my BIG excitement - my big break from the mundane routine is actually venturing out of the house at 8am on Sunday morning.... for 40 minutes.  YIPEEE!!

ohhhhhhhh and the other petulant bit of news.. if it wasn't for shopping there would be no fun around here ..... well at least this weekend.  There was no play time - no adult time... no nothing......... 

I will now go sulk in the corner and feel sorry for myself........... 


  1. I think the occasional sulking in the corner and venting here are excellent methods for coping. Granted you can't sulk and feel sorry for yourself for too long at a stretch, but for short times it makes me feel good to do just that. I also like to write mean, nasty horrible letter to the ones annoying me. I say every ugly, hateful, unkind thing I can think of. Blast them with exactly how I feel and just let it rip! Then I take a deep breath and delete it. Works for me.

  2. PK - just to show you how cranky I truly am -- my initial reaction to your comment was..... "I will bloody sulk for as long as I want!! you can't tell me!!" GAH I sound like my 8 year old step daughter........... 'Calgon take me away' !!!

  3. OH my!! I think you and I are in the same place! I can't do a walk because I hurt my foot/ankle back in the summer and it still isn't right (it hurts to walk). Of course, so not willing to go anywhere to seek help with that. I thought I would go grocery shopping but am scared of the stores. Sigh.

    Adult time doesn't exist except for fights, so scoot over, I wanna sulk in the corner!


  4. grinning at Boo - and scooting over..

  5. Yep, being stuck at home and unable plus unsafe to escape for fresh air and exercises is enough to make you cranky...and add on no adult time. Sigh.

    It's good news you have found an optional time to shop, but 8am Sunday would piss me off lol. The blog is an excellent place to vent, or sulk lol. Therapeutic.


  6. Roz - yes sometimes it is therapeutic - most of the time :)

  7. The Covid grind is getting a bit old for all of us now. I actually look forward to seeing my doctor for my regular blood test now, what a fun day out. Hopefully it will all end in the next six months, as the vaccines are rolled out.



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