Friday, January 15, 2021

Home School Report



The holidays are over and we're back to home schooling ......... 

December was a really rough month..... I was at my wits end and honestly ready to throw in the towel... there's only so much one person can take you know?  We've had bouts (her and I) of 'attitude' since I moved in here... but nothing that was this bad or this prolonged.  When she left for her mother's between Christmas and New Years - I told her to find the reset button and push it - cause I wanted MY (fill in name) to come back.  I also had an inspiration while she was gone -- when she got home I called a 'family meeting' and said we were ALL to come up with 3 house rules each.  

The lil one seemed really excited about making these rules -- and called them 'The Happy House Rules'.  We came up with some good rules - like "Good Attitude" and "Focus on our Jobs" .. there's 9 of them.  I printed them up and they are posted on the fridge.


It's been 2 weeks and things are running smoother again...... though at times I still feel like I'm holding my breath..... BUT her teacher says she's working hard again in class - and she seems happier again - laughing and playing and willing to do her few chores. 

For Christmas Sir Steve and I gave her a subscription to a kid's cooking club - Raddish.  Each month she gets a box of recipes and activities and cooking accessories.   It didn't come in time for Christmas (colour me sad/frustrated) BUT it did come while she was at her mom's.  This week she made Chicken and dumplings for supper.... virtually by herself (OH I had to supervise - cause sharp knives ya know) and it turned out well. 





 I do NOT like dumplings and the whole dinner seemed anemic - white dumplings white meat on a white plate.... but  Sir Steve and the lil one loved it!!   Next week - Apple pancakes.

Life is good when the reset button works (for now) 


  1. This sounds great. I know what you mean about holding your breath. That will probably always be there to some extend, but I'm glad you're enjoying now. Maybe I should try this kid chef thing. It sounds like it's about my level - and I love chicken and dumpling!

  2. Anonymous12:10 pm

    I love chicken and dumplings... Always thought it was a Southern thing (Fl)

  3. Anonymous - you could be right about the origins of chicken and dumplings I have never much liked the texture of dumplings... and I do NOT like gravy so .......... this was not my favourite dish.

    Her cooking boxes are by theme - January's theme was winter wonderland February's (which we just received) is Italian restaurant.

  4. PK - I can recommend the kits for beginner cooks - this package taught how to hold a knife and how to 'dice'...... grinning I can give you the link if you're serious LOL

  5. Anonymous12:51 pm

    Well now THAT sounded way more promising than many of your recent posts about how things were going.

    I like the shared "House rules" idea. Not that they themselves were anything too unique (they were pretty basic 'how to get along' essentials) but as a strategy with a young person struggling at times? I think it was an inspired move.

    Also love the cooking program: practical, confidence-building, and with the potential to encourage real culinary creativity down the road. Another good move!

    (give yourself a gold star ....ahhhhhm wtf, give yourself two! LOL)

  6. my thoughts on the house rules -kdpierre- was simply giving her a voice in the rules - so they weren't just RULES but OUR rules - does that make sense??

    and I'll take the gold star - le sigh - it's tough being stepmother 40 years after raising my own ya know?

  7. Hi Morningstar, I'm so glad the reset button has been pushed and that the lil one is focussing again on her school work. What a wonderful start!

    Love the house rules and that everyone was involved so that everyone is more invested. The cooking club subscription is a fantastic idea and way to build confidence and learn essential skills.


  8. Apple pancakes sounds like something to look forward to


  9. Prefectdt - LOL oh yeahhhhhhhhhh - better than chicken and dumplings for sure !!

  10. My kids get the same kit! They love it, they made a lot of the sides for Thanksgiving. Now they’re supposed to make ravioli apparently.

    I’m not sure if it would work for the kind of chopping this recipe called for, but they make serrated nylon kitchen knives that are safe for kids to use, and work well (for what they are). You can find them on Amazon by putting in “child kitchen knives” or cooking knives or something similar... they’re usually white with some color accent and often come in 3 packs.

  11. OH Xen!! thank you for the suggestion for knives... it's the one thing that makes my hair go grey ya know? worrying about her slicing off a finger !! I'm going to go check them out.

    We'll have to compare notes on the ravioli... LOL... I just d/led the cooking challenge booklet just to give her something else to do... if nothing else when this pandemic/stay at home orders are over our kids will have learned a skill :)


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