Saturday, March 20, 2021

UGH It's a Headache Saturday...



Let me start off by saying I mostly do not drink.  I have always had this weird reaction to alcohol like one drink and I will be tipsy.  O.N.E. drink!   AND before I even go to bed I am suffering from a hang over.  So yeah I don't drink - often... mostly it's only in the summer on the weekend - one glass of wine with my dinner.

For some reason drinking - specifically having a glass of wine - seems like such an 'adult' thing to do.  AND I like the imagery that I have in my head of drinking a glass of wine.

I also realize I am a bit indoctrinated to believe that alcohol will relax you and take all the stress away.


I suggested to Sir Steve that we have finger foods and wine for supper last night.  (I had finger foods in the freezer - leftover from Christmas believe it or not - battered shrimp and sausage rolls) He thought it was a great idea..... 

So I poured the wine as I started to cook dinner.......

AND yes that is my one glass of wine!!!  

We ate our dinner - and sipped the wine...... and in no time at all I was giggly and a little unsteady on my feet.  (le sigh - I'm never gonna grow up!) 

By bedtime I had the beginnings of a headache.... and a bit of an upset stomach.  This morning I have a hang over!! 

Know what?? I think I'll give up on being grown up!   put the wine away..... and enjoy my soda or chocolate milk - I prefer the kid in me more than the adult anyway (grinning)

Life is good when you know your limitations.......


It seems March is Question and Answer month - IF you have any questions for me about anything just ask and I will answer........ (though I would think by now you all know me pretty damn well!!)


  1. We're alike. One drink and I'm either a little sick on my stomach or I'm asleep. Not worth the money for me at all. I'll stick with soda too.

    Have you always lived in the great white north? Ever tried anything warmer? Everyone like where they live, but it really does sound cold up there for a long time each year.

  2. Hmm, I seem to fall in with you and PK, one drink and I am done. Usually, fully drunk. Pass me a soda or milkshake please!


  3. You're not alone with not being the beat at handling alcohol. There is a video made by a well known spanking and BDSM model that I must have watched hundreds of times, it cheers me up when I'm feeling down. I will put the page address here, I don't know if it will come out as a link or you would have to copy and paste it but I highly recommend that you see this. It will make you feel better about your lack of drink handling skills


    1. LOL ok Prefectdt - I feel much better now... and I pointed out to Sir Steve - as we were both watching it.. that I'm not nearly THAT bad... (nodding head) not that bad at all :) makes me almost think I could have another glass of wine tonite with our dinner....... LOL

  4. Hi Morningstar, it's funny, sometimes I can drink a fair bit without feeling tipsy and others I'm tipsy after a couple of mouthfuls lol. Wine definitely hits me quicker than spirits and I can often develop a head ache before I've even stopped drinking!


  5. 1) alcohol tolerance can be built up. if that's something you want to try.
    2) i used to drink by the jug - no hangover, but sometimes i would throw up before I got home (happened 2 or 3 times I think.)
    3) i think 2 glasses is about just nice for a nice happy relaxed (uninhibited) evening. Anything more than that just makes everything fuzzy. And i don't like not being clearheaded enough to know what's happening around me.
    4) i quit drinking a few years ago (totally!) cos my low BP cant handle it. I pass out when I have alcohol, unless I also drink huge amounts of water at the same time. WHich translates to many trips to the loo. Which does NOT the most lovely evening make.
    So by now I think I probably WOULD get tipsy with a glass of wine... having not had "practice" for a few years.

    Also, carbs (breads and such) help with keeping the tipsiness at bay if you're having a drink with your meal. Another reason I don't drink anymore. No carbs = easy drunk. ;)

  6. Fondles - drinking - honestly - has never been my strong point... so mostly I don't.... BUT every once in a while I think how 'grown up' it would be to sip a glass of wine after a bad week/day. Silly me :) I'll probably give up wine for good after this ..... though we do have a liquor "Sheridans" which is a coffee and cream liquor - it is YUMMY and I do seem to tolerate it..... who knows maybe I'll substitute it for the wine :)

    1. a white wine spritzer was my drink of choice at one point. it's half a portion of white wine and half of a lemonade or sparkling water / soda. dilutes, and hydrates, all at the same time.


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