Thursday, March 18, 2021

Help has arrived...


 and that help is Sir Steve.  He came home from work yesterday and told me he had had a meeting with his boss.  As of this Friday he is going to work from home Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  AND he will oversee the home schooling 

I feel as though a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  I honestly feel .. now.. that we are in this together.  AND I believe the lil one will see her father and I working together and she won't be able to play games with us.

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. Well that's a relief!

    1. yup - had my first decent sleep in weeks last night!! You know what I don't get willie?? that an 8 year old so demoralized me! an 8 year old!

    2. An 8 year old didn’t. The unreasonable expectations put on you, without appropriate supports, demoralized you.

  2. Good for him! He's lucky to have an understanding boss, and also lucky to have you, who have shouldered the burden for far too long.


    1. yes he is lucky - actually we're both lucky :) We're hoping this is only temporary and that she'll get back on track ... BUT Sir Steve did say he would work from home till the end of the year if necessary :)
      AND oh god! I'm praying we get vaccinated by September so she can go back to school!

  3. I am so glad you have help. I can only imagine how stressful homeschooling a young child would be. Mine are both in high school and independently can do their work for the most part. Best wishes and get some well-deserved rest. :-)

  4. Hi Morningstar, that's wonderful, good on Sir Steve. Hopefully you can now enjoy some more 'you' time, and get some well earned rest.



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