Thursday, March 25, 2021

Words of Wisdom?


 Continuing with March's question and answers.......

Enzo asked...........
  Are there any words of wisdom that you have learned about the lifestyle that you have would like to share with fellow bloggers and readers?

 in my mind this question follows nicely from yesterday's blog ..... so here I go...... 

WHY! oh my god!  WHY would anyone ask me for wisdom!!!  I look back on my life and I want to run and hide.  All those times I was SURE -- no more than sure -- I was positive I knew what I wanted - how to get it - and how things should work !!

I was the BEST submissive - until I wasn't.

I was the BEST slave - until I wasn't.

I tried poly - until I didn't.

and Enzo wants my words of wisdom?? (grinning)  How about 'don't do what I did' !!

Ok seriously ... my words of wisdom......

* that the internet is a land of smoke and mirrors

* that the people who claim to be experts usually aren't.

* that 'newbie frenzy' is A thing

* that acceptance is not always easy

* that safe words are a false sense of security

* that we all make stupid mistakes (and it's ok)

* that the one and only person you have to answer to ...... is........... yourself.

* that you should be happy and if you aren't it's time to change

* that change is hard and often times painful.......... 

AND finally.....

* don't compare what you have (or want) to anyone else's relationship... each relationship should be custom fit.



  1. Best advice ever. Thanks Morningstar!


  2. great words of wisdom. And newbie frenzy OMG hahha. yes. me too.

    1. Fondles -- one of the most difficult things I had to handle was when 'newbies' would come and talk to me and they'd be "I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that" and I tried to temper their enthusiasm a little bit..... BUT I think we've all experienced it in one form or another :)

  3. I think these collective words of wisdom from you are stated as well as I've ever heard them out here. And many of them stand true for every relationship, not just TTWD.

  4. When people ask me for advice I always use the quote, ' Don't follow me I don't know wheremim going either! " Lol.

    As far as comparing goes, I like ' don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 10".

    I agree with PK, your words of wisdom are quite universal.

  5. Good afternoon,

    Such thoughtful words of wisdom, the one I could most relate to is I think it was your last point of not comparing to others, I think perhaps it's something we are all prone to from time to time but shouldn't it achieves no purpose, and besides people tend to only show the parts that they choose to...perhaps thats something we all do too?


  6. yes claire - we definitely only show the parts we want to... I was guilty of that not so long ago... I gave my side of the story and didn't mention Sir Steve's efforts to help balance the spinning plates.. and it created a misconception :(

  7. Hi Morningstar,

    Such wonderful words of wisdom. Every one of your points is important.



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