Wednesday, March 03, 2021

New Day


 Wednesday - a new day - THANK GOD!  Yesterday was a nightmare.

First it was the cold house..... every night I open the bedroom window a crack and turn the furnace wayyyyyyy down - cause my mother swore you had to have fresh air at night even in the winter.  There's never really been a problem before - cause who ever gets up first turns the furnace up and in minutes you can feel the heat.

EXCEPT for yesterday.  

Sir Steve turned the furnace up at 5am... by 9am I was still shivering... I checked and the house was only warmer by about 1 degree.  WTF??!!  by noon we were 2 degrees higher.  I called Sir Steve .. he called the landlord .. the landlord called the furnace guy.   The furnace guy said he couldn't be here till Friday??!!  WTF??!! my body was so cold it was constantly shivering.  BUT the gods were smiling on me and the furnace guy came around 1pm....... he muddled around downstairs... and said he had fixed the problem... though he did add that if I had a problem to call him and he'd come back.  The thermostat was reading 20 when he left.  2 hours later it had gone up a whole half a degree...... and I swore I was suffering from hypothermia (have I told you that cold is a definite HARD limit for me??!!)  I called Sir Steve ... he called the landlord.. the landlord called the furnace guy... the furnace guy came back around 5.  Turns out he missed a problem....... which involves a new piece which has to be ordered.......... BUT he fixed the problem temporarily so I don't freeze to death until they get the piece and fix the furnace.


Yesterday was Dr. Seuss' birthday and the school was celebrating... excitement reigned supreme around here with the lil one.  Then around 12:30 she had a melt down...... tears and drama - all because she HATED her picture of the Cat in the Hat.... she threw a little temper tantrum and tossed her sketch book onto the shelves and refused to try... tears and 'woe's me' attitudes abounded ....... I put my foot down firmly - and made her redo her drawing... using HER cat in the hat book for reference... after some stamping of feet and major sighing she did get back to it... and I think did a reasonably good job........... 


AND the topper for the day........

remember those Montreal bagels my youngest brought us?? the ones with seeds instead of plain?? yeah those bagels..
On Saturday night Sir Steve and I had some toasted with chicken corn chowder.... I was good and didn't have any bagels on Sunday........ BUT Monday they were calling my name for breakfast....... and yesterday too....
Last night I suffered the consequences............. ohhhhhhhh did I suffer.... 

So yeah ... thank goodness for a new day! 


a new start each day....... and a warm house!


  1. Anonymous8:55 am

    Sorry about the bad day, but to be honest.....that Cat in the Hat of the lil one's, shows genuine promise for an artistic future.

  2. kd... thanks for the comment re the lil one's artistic's nice to get an unbiased opinion. (grinning)

  3. that's a better cat in the hat than I even could manage.truly.

    1. thanks Fondles - she's her worst critic.. I have mentioned to her that I posted her picture and that all my 'friends' are saying how good her picture is.. she is beaming

  4. Sounds like today has to be much better! I think I love our gas fireplace as much as anything in the house! And that is an excellent Cat in the Hat, my compliments to the artist.

    1. PK - I don't know much about gas fireplaces -- BUT our furnace is gas .. doesn't mean it won't break. I had a wood fireplace in Montreal and gas in Ontario... I'm trying to remember what happens if the power goes out... I know I'd give my eye teeth to have any fireplace in this house..

  5. I am seriously IMPRESSED with her drawing ... she most defiitely has some serious artistic talent

  6. Way to go Lil one! Way better than my stick figure!

    Furnaces! Grump. The Sheriff wants to change our wood burning fireplace to gas and I refuse. I want a source of heat of the furnace or power goes out!


  7. windy - Oh my!! an artist's critique she'll be thrilled :) she used to say that she wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up (dear lord - how to gently steer her in another direction !!) but now she has declared she will be an artist when she grows up..... le sigh .. just not a starving one I hope!!

    and yes Windy - the house is toasty warm today... in fact warmer than it has been ALL winter - me thinks this problem has been ongoing...

  8. Listen my son's making a pretty good living @21 as an artist. I remember when he told me he wanted to be an animator, I cringed a bit- I mean the kid can draw, but he also had a 98 in functions and relations as well as other high math marks. My mind went to architect. Lol. But he was hired before he graduated ( he still graduated) is working on a new adult Netflix series and has been head hunted for a feature film all before the age of 22 AND in Ontario nnot the states. ( Oh and he also worked on the video game about the French Viking guy- Felix perhaps?). So glad we ran with his dream because he's living it!

    Tell her it's okay to be angry and frustrated with her work, so long as she goes back and tries again. The ones who are the harshest *can* go very far- further than ones who appear to have it easy. Ironically my younger son was a far better artist at your little ones age than his older brother- but he didn't work at it. Struggle is good!!!

    And as for cold, DEFINITELY a big no!!! Nothing makes me angrier than cold. So of course B loves ice 🙄
    Our furnace did the same rhinfaar week. Fortunately it only required B to clean the thermocouple

  9. WOW!! you must be so proud of your son... living the dream!! I don't mind the lil one being hard on herself - I do mind that she gets angry and cries and won't try to finish... however she WILL finish with me around (grinning) I am after all the 'wicked stepmother' LOL

  10. I like the cat in the hat drawing. If your shivering at 20 celcius, we could not be in the same house in winter. at that temreture I am turning the heat off and sheding clothes. Used to spending a lot of time outdoors I suppose


    1. Prefectdt - pffffffffft (see me blowing raspberries at you - grinning) I LOVE the heat - thinking I should live with Fondles!! I don't do winter well :( and that 20 yesterday didn't feel like 20 - cause the house is 20 today and I am fine.. weird eh?

    2. come on over... it's so warm I would die without the ceiling fan... and even then... when June / July comes around I will probably need the AC on in the afternoons!

  11. Hi Morningstar, cold, argh! I freeze every day at work thanks to the A/C. So over it! Glad the tech was able do a temporary fix and hope it is properly repaired quickly.

    Wow, the drawing is awesome! The lil one does have a budding talent. I wish I had a single artistic bone in my body. Sigh. Nice of Dr Seuss' estate to ban some of his books on his birthday. Cancel culture...argh!



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