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Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Covid 19
I don't know about anyone else -- but this Covid 19 is causing frustration, stress, anxiety and anger for me. Mostly I think because of the misinformation circulating .. and the panic buying. AND I really need to rant about it....
I don't get the general wide spread panic........ no toilet paper to be had anywhere??!! What the hell is wrong with people??!! I have seen pictures/videos of people buying shopping carts FULL of nothing but toilet paper!! Sir Steve and I worked it out - they have enough to last over a year for god's sakes!! Pessimistic much? Yesterday I ran to our grocery store when they opened armed with Lysol disinfecting wipes....there was 1/2 the normal bread supply........ no spaghetti sauces (or ingredients to make your own - which is what I do) and yet shelves of pasta. Shelves of sugar but only one 5lb bag of flour. No fresh meat.
We have been told there is no problem with the supply chain.......... if people would stop panic shopping there would be loads of supplies for everyone......... these shortages are causing people to panic more.
Oh and then there is the misinformation........... it's enough to drive a sane person crazy..... all these bloody 'experts' (in my opinion almost as bad as the hoarders - causing panic)
I have read information from these medical experts that say
Covid 19 symptoms are a sore throat / fever and cough. No nasal / sinus involvement but if you read the whole article at the bottom it says you land up drowning in the nasal discharge....... really?? how come the WHO hasn't told us about this nasal symptom???
Then there's the experts out of Japan who are telling us that if we drink water every 15 minutes that the virus will be washed out of our bodies
BUT the one that got me the most was someone I know - who is a nurse - who is claiming the Covid 19 has been in Canada since before Christmas and the government isn't telling us..... she claims that Covid 19 involves diarrhea and vomiting does she know that?? cause nurses she works with went home before Christmas with fever, vomiting and diarrhea and some of them took over a month to get better. She is also publicly telling folks to stock up on alcohol cause that will cure you. She says at the first sign of a sore throat you should take 3 shots of liquor. DEAR GOD!! and the worst part -- people are listening to her!!!
I am doing what I can do to keep the virus out of this house..... I am social distancing myself..... after yesterday's run for groceries I am home for at least 3 weeks (it helps that there is no confirmed case in our small town) I am lecturing Sir Steve (whose job does not allow him to work from home -- and involves dealing with contractors) to not shake hands - to wash his hands...
I have cleaned up my facebook -- dumping a whole mess of 'friends' who do nothing more than spread rumours and delight in causing panic. I am only allowing myself to watch one news show -- our morning news.
AND we have cancelled my eldest grandson's birthday celebrations until the worst is over........ hopefully (though I don't hold much hope) before his mother's 40 birthday at the end of April.
As for being in the house for 3 weeks - grinning - I say I have been training for this for my whole life!
Blog friends let me leave you with this thought and hopefully smile........
did I hear a collective 'awwwwwwww' ?
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Thanks for the smile...and yes this is really a crazy time...and scary...breathe, wash your hands often, watch some comedy shows that make laugh...and a prayer for a return to normalcy...hugs abby
ReplyDeleteI think the reality is that it is a very serious pandemic, and has actually been UNDERestimated. But having said that, panicking solves NOTHING. We are being told to self-isolate, public venues closed etc to "flatten" the curve so our health system and hospitals won't be overwhelmed. I am pissed that Trudeau is keeping the borders open for Americans, not that I don't love my American neighbours but the U.S. has handled this so badly that I expect to see thousands upon thousands of deaths next door, due soley to their horrible healthcare system and the absolutey crime of their president downplaying things while keeping himself safe.
ReplyDeleteD.has COPD and this would be a death sentence for him so I am being very careful. I also look after an elderly neighbour.So I am going out only if I MUST and picking up the minimum I (and he) needs. I use lysol wipes, plastic gloves (I happen to have two boxes on hand which I used for my old dog who just died, her medications were quite strong and I needed to use them) ... so just out of being CAREFUL (not panicked) I glove, use lysol wipes then dispose of same each time I enter or leave a store. I also wiped down the items I brought with the lysol wipes. Then when I come in, I gargle and wash my hands thoroughly.
What we are aiming for is not Armageddon but we WANT to look back and say "Oh, maybe we over-reacted" but the reason we did what we're doing is why I believe implicitly we WON'T get hit as bad as other countries have.
ohhhhhhh selkie I hope you are right! (about not getting hit as hard as some countries)
ReplyDeleteand I agree with you on Trudeau allowing the americans in...I don't understand that.. it's not like they will be holidaying here.. why would they want to come up?
ahh well take care my friend
Morningstar, I am with you. what is with people? Panic buying? for what? And the lack of information is making it worse. I don't know who to believe. We sort of closed our borders to non-Canadians? What is that? Closed all airports but 4? I sort of understand that. We do have confirmed cases here, but I am trying not to worry so much. Luckily, the Sheriff is working from home "until further notice." But we have elderly parents that we must keep in contact with "just in case." For right now, we have closed up shop so to speak. Family only (much to my daughter's dismay). But this is the best way I can think of to stop this from spreading. I am not too afraid of the virus for myself, but am afraid to infect others and if we can be carriers with no symptoms, that makes it a big problem. Selkie is right, I do think we are on the right track to slow the curve and protect the vulnerable. It would help if there was some clear cut information though.
ReplyDeleteTake care, stay safe, and be good! GRIN!
LOL ohhhhhhh Boo trust me I am always good!! at everything -- especially being bad
ReplyDeleteAww at the pic. The misinformation and panic buying is maddening. I am thankful common sense seems to be prevailing here from the Government and health officials. In my opinion anyway. We are behind in terms of cases and the Government are trying to stay ahead. It is inevitable though that the number of cases wil jncrease, and it slowly is. Much of it due to the stupidity of people.
We went to Loblaws bright and early on Monday and saw NO fresh meat or eggs. If you get coronavirus do you eat omelettes? All the cheap cheese was gone, but the more expensive deli cheeses were in full supply. No TP of course.
ReplyDeleteMetro (where I found eggs) is limiting the amount of canned goods, pasta and sauce, bottled water and TP you can buy.
Panic, anyone?
My followup eye appointment was cancelled because the hospital wants to limit the number of people at the eye clinic. The surgeon himself called me to make sure I was okay before cancelling the appt.