Monday, March 09, 2020

The Problem of House Guests

That would not be awkward - not at all.   BUT Sir Steve and I sleep naked ...... and on Friday I realized I don't even really have a dressing gown...... and I would have my son in law sleeping under the same roof..... and dear god what if I got up in the night to go pee and he got up to go pee and he saw me naked???!!!!  I am not sure who would be more traumatized!!!

I did not go dashing out to buy a dressing gown though .... I have a very short - slightly sexy cover up that I figured would work...... IF we both got up to go pee it would be the middle of the night.... dark... and hopefully he would be bleary eyed and not notice the cover up except to notice my body was covered.

As it turned out -- I didn't need to worry - I slept through the night.

We had a great visit...... dinner out Saturday night at a local restaurant that reportedly serves the best fish and chips............. 

I will say the meal was delightful -- way too much food ...... such a waste.

Sir Steve's fish and chips...... do you see the size of that fish???  

 I had the scallops... ate the fish - tasted the rice and ate a small amount of the salad...wayyyyyyy too much food.

The dogs - their 3 and our one had great fun visiting..... they really are like kids ya know... cousins visiting for the weekend.......lots of rough play with one of the kids whining about the wrestling matches......... and our dog cried and cried on Sunday when they were packing up the car to leave.  (It really was pathetic!)

We didn't do much more than eat good food - and visit .......... 

Life is good when family comes to visit.


  1. What a lovely time! It is so great when family comes and the cousins can play. We visit every week with my sister and the kids, both 2 legged and 4 legged. It is at the point where the 4 legged creatures whine in the car on the way up (ours at least, my sister's animals whine and look out the window waiting). They also know when it is Saturday and are very exited waiting at the door to go. LOL! Family visiting rocks!


  2. You're right - it's great to have family visit. But after you been sort of empty nesters for a longish time. It's still strange to have other adults in your home. I too sleep in the nude often go from our bedroom to the room where I keep most of my clothes wearing little to nothing. No problem when it's just us or even in my daughter as dropped by. But when my son and his husband are here, it's a bit of an adjustment for me. I'm glad you had such a good visit and that fish looked delicious.

  3. Laughing at your dog whining. Poor thing! Exposure to you naked sleeping gals here in blog land has caused me to sleep with way less on most nights than I used to. I often get up in the middle of the night for various things kept in the kitchen. I turn on the lights and let the world see my nekkid butt for all I care. LOL House guests though, gotta cover up a bit for that for sure! Glad you had a nice family visit. I would like to catch a fish the size of Sir Steve's for sure. Ha! Hugs, Windy

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time together, both for family of the two legged and four legged variety lol. Aww at your dog crying when her cousins left.

    We have a fantastic fish and chip place local to us, and the fish is huge! That's my limit with seafood though.



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