Despite my mood or nonsense going on around here.. the clock is still clicking down the days till Christmas. One week today will be Christmas Eve and hopefully (fingers crossed) the arrival of my eldest daughter and SIL.
The house is just about fully decorated - there are a few things still left to add - like the gingerbread house that Sir Steve and the lil one are gonna make (It was supposed to be a family event - but honestly not sure IF I will join in)
I haven't taken you around the house to see the decorating......... SO ... guess what we're doing this morning (grinning) .............
This year I purchased some new pillow covers for the throw pillows in the living room... I absolutely love them!! Discovered Christmas gnomes last year when we did 'Christmas Around the World' - we have incorporated them into our decorating scheme again this year............
(if you want a closer look - just click on the thumb nails et voila - full view!)
Keeping with our "Old fashioned" Christmas theme..... I cleaned up the lil one's rocking horse and added a couple of teddies and her Raggedy Ann doll...........
Folks for the most part seem to be going over the top with their decorating this year ... and we were no different...... I brought Christmas into every room...... bedding in our room........ ribbons in the kitchen......... and even the lil one got her own tree ....
Finally here are some of my favourite tree decorations - most of them go back many years - to when my children were small and when I was teaching full time........
(and yes those are squirrels - thanks to my daughters' sense of humour)
AND that dear friends is a quick peak at our home dressed for Christmas...