Sunday, April 04, 2010

Good memories

i have been busy around here today..... cleaning up ... putting away... washing laundry... moving wood.........

and reading some blogs - specifically the Heron Clan and My Bottom Smarts .....

Each in their own way got me to thinking about floggings/spankings and brought back memories.

i honestly believe it is next to impossible to explain to other folks what it is about a spanking that fills a need deep inside of me... and i don't much see the point in trying.

BUT..... the memories are stirring within me... of the sting, the thud, the slap..... the whispered words in my ear.... the cool touch of his hand against the burning, the deep desire to shout out loud "DON'T STOP - for god's sakes DON'T STOP"

And often times my fairies .. dancing boldly around me.. bright colours swirling in my head.... satisfied, fulfilled...... the masochistic need in me.


  1. Anonymous5:26 pm

    I'm sure there will be future good memories as well as past ones.


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

  2. Agreed - it can't be explained (or taught) to those who don't understand it.


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