Monday, May 31, 2021

Weekend Ouchies...



yup weekend ouchies - and they weren't consensual. (see me pout?)

We had a busy-ish weekend planned.  SIL and eldest daughter (who camp across from us) have been planning to take down the old deck that is on their property and put up a new one.  Sir Steve loves working with his hands - and was more than ready to offer a helping hand.  

Saturday morning found him and SIL using crow bars and other tools to pull the rotten deck down.  Eldest daughter and I were VERY helpful - we sat on the garden swing watching them - burning deck wood as it became available.

For us it was a very restful morning........ eldest daughter made some sandwiches for lunch and the men worked on.   Around mid afternoon I decided to go have a little nap at our trailer (I never have a great sleep the first night)

I laid down for maybe an hour.  I had brought the dog in with me... she loves to have "nap" time at the trailer.  When I got up - I put the dog on her rope and we moved out onto our deck.  I was walking towards my reading corner - not really paying attention... The dog saw her 'dad' across the road and ran in front of me.  Her rope got tangled up around my ankles and I went down........ hard!  banging my eye/nose into the corner of the wicker furniture (which has a metal frame)  I just sat there and cried - MY GOD!  it hurt.  

Apparently the thunk of my fall was heard across the road - Sir Steve and SIL looked up to see me sitting on our deck.  Sir Steve rushed over.   We went and got witch hazel to put on the ouchies.. to prevent swelling and maybe bruising?  I kept saying IF I get a black eye I am gonna tell everyone you gave it to me!  (you being Sir Steve)

While we were sitting on our deck - Sir Steve 'fessed up that he had hurt himself taking the deck down.  It turns out he was using the crow bar to pry apart boards when the crow bar slipped and slammed into his chest.  He had a couple of scratch marks down the right side of his chest and it was very tender to the touch.  

What a pair we made!!  

So yes there were weekend ouchies - only none of them were consensual and they kinda put a damper on any other fun activities.  On the plus side I have no black eye - just a very sore nose and cheek bone. 


  1. OH dear. Do rest and i hope you get better quickly!

  2. There are much better things to 'ouch' about, but glad neither of you were damaged worse. I'm not like you - if it's going to hurt I want a damn bruise to show for it!

  3. I agree with PK's sentiment. Although, really, you need a beautiful purple bruise if you are going to hurt yourself.

    I hope it stops hurting soon.

  4. Oh no Morningstar, Well, I guess at least you both took yourselves out of commission at the same time lol. Hope the ouchies heal quickly for both of you. Take care and get plenty of rest.



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