Tuesday, May 05, 2020


Quarantine - and by that I don't mean social distancing or social isolation -- I mean full on QUARANTINE!!  

We are 9 days in with this forced quarantine.... 9 days of Sir Steve  
being under foot ahh I mean at home.  I could not have imagined what that looked like until now...... I am not even sure I have words to fully explain how difficult it is...... 

It seemed kinda exciting ya know -- at the beginning.... having him home with me 24/7.  

BUT what that actually looks like is.......... 
Him popping up when I least expect it..... 
like yesterday morning... I was in the bedroom - door closed - getting dressed - my mind wandering definitely NOT focused 
When suddenly.......... 
the door opened........ and this is what I saw.............

I screamed ... blood curdling screams........  
and he laughed ..... full belly laugh.  Apparently I look really funny when I am petrified.

Sir Steve can now sleep in....... well till 6... which means I don't get my coffee brought to me on the front deck ... I have to make my own.... (see me pout?)

BUT  the worst bit...... very worst bit.... 
I have no privacy.  
I had to work out my private me time at the beginning of isolation.. having the lil one home every single day......... BUT me time could be Friday afternoon between 2 and 4 (when she left for mom's and when Sir Steve came home) OR Monday from 7 till 2 (when Sir Steve left for work and the lil one came home from mom's) 

Time to shave and shower and maybe even do my nails........ 
Time to just sit and do some serious navel gazing...... 
Time to go and find my 'toys' and have a serious play time......... 

that I miss the most..... the self pleasuring time.

I really do need to talk with Sir Steve about this... cause I have a fantasy where self pleasuring could be a mutual thing... but believe it or not I am WAY too shy to bring it up.... so for now.......... I will put my desires .. oh hell my HORNY-NESS.. on the back burner....... 

Life is good when the only thing you have to bitch about is no privacy.


  1. Morningstar,

    Oh my! I never really thought about it. The Sheriff has been working from home since mid-March. With the schools being closed, daughter has also been home since mid-March. I already worked from home. But now....now, EVERYONE is in my space. The Sheriff works in the office upstairs, but daughter is downstairs with me doing school.

    I have no space. No me time. I totally miss me time. That was sorta happening when I went grocery shopping but even that is on hold right now (sorta...I am going to have to go soon though....hopefully my ankle holds up).

    so I really hear what you are saying. me time. Sigh.


  2. I agree - that's very little to complain about. But STILL! I'm used to being alone for a good part of the day. I've built my schedule around it and as much as I adore my husband... I still need that time to myself.

  3. Storm and I didn't have much privacy even before the lock down....but he's being a bit inventive, so I'm all in. I don't want a lot of private time away from him though, overall. I do have time to email friends and write for the blog although I do that mostly when people are around anyway.

    MStar.... you are telling me that you are SHY? REALLY? Wow! And.... telling your significant other your fantasies.... when you are horny is when you are the bravest about that stuff, in my experience! So toot your own horn and sound the alarm for Sir Steve! Windy

  4. I suspect Sir Steve might be feeling the same way. Everybody needs some me time. Isn't it possible to arrange a couple of hours per week where you occupy different rooms. In your situation I would definitely need that.


  5. Yep, it is hard getting that 'me time' which we all need from time to time.


  6. Totally hear you. Since we have an adult daughter who needs 24/7 supervision and her Day Program isn't open, there is literally not a moment when nobody is around. Exhausting actually. Never had much time to myself as it was, but now? Yikies.

    I totally hear you.


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