Monday, May 25, 2020

Here We Are............

What a weekend!!!  Can I say crazy busy??!!!  cause it was........ 

First off - Friday we moved all the clothes up - both spring and summer clothes cause god only knows what the weather will be like ........ and food - meat .... staples... pantry stuff.......... and the lil one's bin of toys and all the home schooling supplies.... GAH!!!  and then found room to store it all (especially the home schooling stuff cause that's a new addition to camping life) 
Then we collapsed in front of a fire for the evening.......... 

Saturday saw us up at the crack of dawn and off to town (GAH) to buy flowers for the baskets and raised beds....... and wood cause Sir Steve is extending our deck.  
Saturday afternoon Sir Steve worked on the extension and I planted.... and planted and planted!!

Sunday was rest and recoup day for me -- but Sir Steve and my SIL worked on the deck extension.  Sunday just before supper the lil one arrived...... bouncing with excitement that she was up here ......and I was silently groaning cause the 'fun' of home schooling from the country was about to begin............

OH and for those interested in how social distancing is being 'encouraged' ..... the camp owner has a drone.... and it has been doing fly bys keeping track of who's where and with whom........ we signed a contract that if you broke the social distancing rules you would have to leave..... so for the most part folks are keeping their distance.....

Thought you might like to see a couple of pictures of our 'country home'..........

This is the view of our place from the road.................

Our front door.............. 

I LOVE the patio doors!!  It allows so much light in... and just feels -- mmmmm - more like home and less like a trailer ya know??

Around back by the creek (if you can call it a creek) is our fire pit.......... I love that it's so secluded!! 

At night I have 'fairy lights' hanging in the trees...... made them the first year we were here ......... mason jars with tea lights in them - neat thing about the tea lights - they run off batteries and have a timer!!  so they come on at 7:30pm and go off automatically at 1:30am!!!

here's the deck extension not quite finished but almost.  The door you see is to our master bedroom.

AND finally's our 'school' for the next 6 weeks or so......... 

Life is good when you can home school in the country.........


  1. Hi Morningstar,

    Wow, I love it! It looks so awesome, a real home away from home. Love the deck and fire pit.


  2. Wow Morningstar, It looks so amazing, a real home away from home. Love the deck and fire pit.


  3. What a beautiful place! Your are lucky. Your school is lasting longer than ours but I bet she is enjoying it. Have a great and relaxing summer.

  4. Morningstar,

    That looks so amazing! Such a wonderful place to be for the summer! Especially when summer starts early!!!

    Enjoy the starry nights for me!


  5. That looks so nice. It must be great there in nice weather.



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