BUT on doctor's orders i am home till sometime next week (at the earliest) and discovered yesterday there is only so much TV i can stand watching....only so much reading i can do with leg elevated......
And so i propose a poll of sorts - something i started to think about last week....... and i am now shamelessly going to plug the poll and beg (yes Sir beg!! but i am not begging Sir so it is ok) for you to read to the bottom of this post and hit the comment button......... i NEED something to amuse this small mind .. while i sit around healing ............ come on... help an old gimpy submissive out !!!!!!

Ok.. i don't know how well this will work...... it honestly depends on YOU my readers....
Above is the map that tracks the visitors to my lil blog......... and i am dying of curiosity to get an idea of the countries you are all from........... It honestly boggles my mind to see how wide spread the readership is......... from Alaska (this month) to Australia and New Zealand......
Come on folks.. you come here to read my writings...... maybe you learn something.. maybe you fantasize a bit.. what ever the reason.. i have a request........
take 2 minutes and hit the comment button.. you can even do it anonymously ....... leave your country and if you are comfortable - your province or state or city. Satisfy my curiosity about where you all come from............. (and yeah yeah i know i am being nosy.. but humour me !!)
AND as a small token of my appreciation for doing this........ i will post some pictures to the Photojournal......... or a story....... you pick what you would prefer as a reward...
So........ (for those of you who are unclear on the request) hit the comment button tell me where you come from........ and leave a request - pictures or story - as a reward for all your "hard" work
2 minutes that's all it will take..........................
Another editorial note:
i do not have any way of seeing ISP's and am not sure i would know what to do with one if i could.......... so come on....... country /state/ city/ village.. i am thinking of getting a real map and sticking pins in it......... (cheeky grin)