Friday, March 18, 2022



 Continuing with Q&A - Hermione of Hermione's Heart had a question for me:
what inspired your screen name Morningstar?

That's a bit of a long story Hermione.........
Way back when - before the internet we know today - there were BBS's.  I am thinking some of you won't have a clue what a BBS is ....... they predate the internet we know today.... and were a precursor to online chat / online games / online information.  If you want to learn more you can click HERE and learn a little bit more. 

How did I find these BBS's?? Eldest daughter used to log on to one and being a curious mother - I used to stand behind her and read over her shoulder.  I was fascinated, that by typing, she was actually 'talking' to friends from school.  I didn't understand it and I think probably drove her crazy with all my questions.  Finally she got me to set up an account on the Adult only BBS's ........ and that was when I had to come up with my first nickname.

I spent several days trying to come up with something no one else would have... and one very early morning (the time I most often was on the computer cause no one else was !! cause again in those days if you had one computer in the house you were lucky! ) and I was looking out the window - daydreaming - and there was one sole star in the sky........ and the word 'morningstar' popped into my head.  I was like that lone star in the sky - the only one up and about at that hour!!  

Honestly it didn't take long for me to be hooked!  and Adult BBS's were like the wild west - untamed and wild!  That's actually where i first found a hint of a kinky lifestyle.  Back in those days I was the only 'morningstar' around (cause when I entered a nickname I never got told to pick another one) ...... Even when the internet did show up 'morningstar' wasn't a nickname that was already taken - soooooooo I have been morningstar for over 30 years!

Thanks for the question Hermione!!


and that brings me to the end of questions for March....... if you didn't get your question in.. .please feel free to leave it for me in comments and I will answer.  Thanks to everyone who played along :)  It was fun!


  1. Oh wow, that was lovely. Thank you morningstar.

    I never went on a BBS but have heard of them. We only had internet a work and I didn't even know where to go.


    1. what I remember most about those early days on the computer was having to learn DOS to access the computer... I got quite good at it - so when Windows appeared I actually said 'it will never get off the ground - it's too easy' GAH!! little did I know LOL

  2. Hi Morningstar, interesting reading how you came up with your online name and reading about BBS's. Although old enough lol, I hadn't heard of them. I perhaps had some vague idea of precursors to the internet, but not the detail.

    When I was growing up you were cool if you had a Commodore 64 computer lol. Pac Man and the Atari were also the rage.


    1. If memory serves me - our first computer was the Commodore 64!! LOL long long time ago!!

  3. I love a good back story. Yours is so much more lovely and elegant than mine. I don't remember what our first computer was but the only game I remember being on it was pong. Damn, I'm old.

    1. you're old??!!! not even close PK - did you have to learn DOS to use your computer to play your game??? OMG - I feel SO old !! Memories will do that to you

  4. Learning DOS and early CAD systems almost drove me mad. Put me off getting my own computer for over a decade. Lovely story about your screen name. :)


    1. I enjoyed DOS - bought a 'Dummies' book - do you know them "Cooking for Dummies" or in this case 'Dos for Dummies' ..... got pretty good at it...

  5. Anonymous3:13 am

    Dear Morningstar, I always flinch when I read R.I.P Buffalo where I have no permission to go. I loved him, same as you and I'm glad to have copied his posts all along the years: Buffalo Path 2004-2007, Buffalo's Ruminations 2007-2011, Buffalo's Muses 2012. I can't believe it was ten years ago! My question is this, if I may ask: what did he die of?

    1. Hi Orage :)

      I honestly don't remember what he died of - he had been really sick for awhile - but truthfully I do not remember... He was bigger than life wasn't he??? I miss him too..

  6. Ah, he was a great guy with a wonderful personal style too!


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