Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Day 2



Sir Steve decided Sunday night to take Monday off...... cause we both wanted to get the house done!!!

We were up bright and early and took the lil one to her new school.... talk about separation anxiety!!  no not the lil one - her father and I !!! (grinning)

Then we came home and got started........... We didn't stop......... but by the time Sir Steve had to leave to pick up the lil one the house - the complete house - was 99% ready!!!

We did discover one small problem - actually a bloody big problem!!  The lil one's room felt cold...... didn't matter how high I put the furnace her room never got really warm.  Yesterday afternoon Sir Steve went down to the basement to see if the vents needed to be opened.......... and discovered........... that the ducting for her room seemingly was NOT connected to the furnace!!!  Hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or so..... in the mean time we have put a space heater in her room.

On the plus side the lil one LOVES her new school and has already made friends.  She's impressed the boys want to play during their breaks... and that there's no fighting in the school yard.  

Thought you might like to see the next room in "home corners".......... 

The Living Room....... 




It really is becoming "Home Sweet Home" 


  1. Wow Morningstar, you have done so well getting the house sorted so quickly. Am enjoying the pics. The living room looks awesome and that's wonderful that the lil one likes her new school.


    1. I was very relieved that the lil one was happy in her new school!! BUT we're very lucky she's a very friendly child - ever since I met her she's always declared everyone was her friend!

  2. Morninstar, I can't believe you've more or less got the whole house done. Loving the picture of the rooms, they look great. Happy the lil one likes her new school.


    1. This has been my fastest move Ronnie.... 3 days from start to finish! BUT in all honesty the basement is a MESS!! We just kinda threw stuff down there that we didn't need/ camping gear / Christmas stuff but also some kitchen gear that doesn't fit..

  3. You're so lucky that lil one is friendly and has adjusted so quickly. Going to a new school was always a total nightmare for me.

    Your living room is gorgeous! A good, snug corner for Lady - I love it.


    1. Hermione - we are VERY lucky that the lil one made the move with so little angst!! She is one of a kind - she just assumes everyone is a friend! And the new school has a completely different clientele with a completely different approach to education - so I am very happy!!

  4. You should feel a huge sense of accomplishment, Morningstar! Well done; it looks phenomenal!

  5. Look, I'm back! I think your room is lovely. As for the lil one, who needs heat when you have a brand new room! I hope her school experiences continue to go wonderfully!

    1. Yesterday PK when I drove her to school - she had to sit for 5 minutes with me till the gates opened... she was literally bouncing in the back waiting to get out... she is loving it!! what a relief that is...

  6. You have done a hell of a lot, in a short time. It took me months to get to that point, last time I moved.


    1. I'm kinda known for being a wee bit (I can see Sir Steve rolling his eyes over the 'wee bit') obsessive compulsive Prefectdt... I have always unpacked my house and put it in order in days... it's exhausting but feels so much better once it's done.


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