Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Let the Fun begin.......



Remember those eye hooks we bought for our new home?? Remember where Sir Steve installed them?


Well Sunday afternoon Sir Steve decided we were gonna test them out...... I was sent upstairs to find my cuffs and the clips... and to get naked.  Took me a bit to find them - cause yeah we hadn't unpacked the toy bag.. and of course the cuffs and clips were buried on the bottom.... not complaining ... cause it gave me a chance/excuse to lay out all my favourite toys!! 


Sir Steve followed me upstairs and the old rituals fell into place.  I presented my wrists and he put the cuffs on - then he attached me to the eye hooks ..............(and he humoured me and took a picture for my blog)


I had mentioned (ok ok more like begged him) not to expect too much from me as it has been absolutely AGES since we played hard..... I reminded him of how he used to build up the intensity taking me higher and higher .... 

Because I knew this was going to happen at some point on Sunday - my anticipation had built up............ so when Sir Steve started I just about melted........ 

Sir Steve cycled through all the toys I had laid out ......... I have absolutely no idea how long we played - but it felt like we had come home!! It felt like we both settled into our rightful places.... like we had unplugged and rebooted.  AND that is an excellent feeling............. 

Afterwards we had leftover baked tortellini for supper (thank god for leftovers cause I don't think I was in any shape to make a meal) and I glowed and purred all evening long!

New Home - New Beginnings - New Memories!




  1. Hi Morningstar,

    This is so awesome, so happy for you! What a wonderful way to start life in the new house:)


    1. the whole thing just holds so much promise Roz! which is a very good thing :)

  2. Congratulations. It's nice to read that despite these long and trying times someone feels not only normalcy but hope 💕

    1. lots of hope willie ! always lots of hope.... otherwise how could you carry on???

  3. Awww... Sounds like you were cooking all afternoon! No need to do more that evening.

    1. LOL hadn't thought of it that way PK - but you're right definitely 'cooking' all afternoon

  4. I think that you can declare the Bedroom/Playroom, well and truly Christened now :)


    1. yes we can !! it's just as good as I imagined :)

  5. Home at last!


    1. yes Hermione - HOME! it feels wonderful


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