Saturday, October 17, 2020

Not Laughing



Sometimes life is just not funny ya know??

Sir Steve and I had just started to click again - play times were starting again - sex was back on the agenda........ things were looking up....... 


oral surgery happened........ trust me when I say it's hard to feel sexy when your face feels like it's gonna explode...... or be in the mood for some spanking fun when all you can think about is 'when is the pain gonna stop'?!


this isn't the first time - some days it seems like we just start to get our groove on and Life goes 'wait - you having fun? let me see what I can do about that'

yeah - I'm not laughing........... 


  1. (((Hugs))) Morningstar, i really hope the month settes and new plate beds in quickly and that you and Sir Steve can get your groove on again.


  2. Anonymous8:50 am

    Sure seems to be my life, butt I do feel your pain in this matter and can only hope that your ass gets good and RED SOON, too much sex for you to handle and everything gets back to your normal ways...

  3. Hugs. I have been feeling like that for a while. Sigh. I want normal back but it will never be my "normal" again. Everything will change and that isn't a bad thing....I just want it all done now. You know?


  4. Yeah, i hear you. no privacy / period / overtime / fatigue / being sick / family emergency... pick one. it seems it's always something... sigh.

    Hope the dental issues are healing properly!


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