Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Keeping Promises

So I saw the doctor yesterday -- it appears I have bronchitis and low levels of oxygen in my blood - which explains a whole lot of problems I've been having.  I was sent home with two prescriptions and a stern lecture about taking care of myself 


I would land myself up in hospital.  I do not want to land up in hospital!  

I promised the doc and myself that I would take it easy for the next 10 days - take my meds and drink loads of water........ and in 10 days be back on my feet. 


I had made another promise ....... to the lil one.  and I intended to keep it... the Christmas tree was going to go up last night. 

Before leaving for the doctor's I had emptied the spot where the tree was going and found the new decorations we had made and purchased.  I had emptied the shelves in the hallway ........ All in preparation for the decorating. 

When Sir Steve got home he put the tree up -- our new 7 foot tree!! It is wonderful to have a full size tree again!! and he dragged all the bins of decorations up from the basement.

Then when the lil one got home we started decorating........ 
my job was to sit on the sofa and pull the decorations out of the bins/bags and direct the lil one and Sir Steve where to put them. 

The lil one said more than once how this was the BEST night ever!!  
Once the tree was up and decorated and the rest of the house sporting its touches of Christmas I popped a bunch of chicken wings/potatoe skins and sausage rolls in the over for a 'buffet finger food' supper.  We all munched away while watching our first Christmas movie of the season "The Christmas Chronicles".

 Here's a couple of pics of our new decorations (fyi our theme this year is Christmas in Denmark)

Danish woven baskets the lil one made 

 straw ornaments from Denmark

Today I am on the sofa in my pjs resting and drinking water..... Sir Steve will take the lil one to the bus till the end of the week and a neighbour will pick her up and bring her home......... 

Life is good when you keep promises


  1. Sounds like you made some good promises and I'm happy you fulfilled one and you're working on the next. Having you sick in and the hospital would NOT do much for the holiday season. My healthy promises go in the other direction are are more long term and that means I need to get my butt OFF the couch and exercising. We won't discuss what I should or should not be eating.

    Feel better soon

  2. Anonymous2:48 pm

    So glad you were able to get your tree up for your little one. That has to make you feel good inside and maybe that will give your immune system a boost. Take care of yourself, rest, and drink liquids! Feel better! Hugs, Windy

  3. A successful event and now a chance to look to your own needs. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  4. Hi Morningstar,

    Onn gosh, I'm so glad you got to the doctor, bronchitis and I are old familiar foes lol, and it's no fun.

    Sounds like a wonderful evening decorating the tree and Christmas movies. The lil kkne did a wonderful job on the baskets.

    Now you can rest, get plenty of fluid and recover.


  5. I know you couldn't disappoint your lil one. Now look after yourself you certainly don't want to end up in hospital over the Christmas period.

    I love the doc.


  6. Sorry to hear that you are feeling yucky but happy that you kept both promises. Lil one must be so happy to have this time with you. Nothing beats the magic of Christmas when seen through the eyes of a lil one.


  7. I found a box of those straw decorations - sixteen of them in four different patterns - at a thrift shop, but never knew they were from Denmark. I glued them to a red berry wreath and it's the best decoration in the dining room.

    Take good care of yourself and feel better soon.



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