Monday, November 12, 2018

Worst of Times - the Best of Times

This weekend really was the worst of times....... 

Saturday Sir Steve and I had plans - shopping then lunch out and a movie........ BUT when I woke up Saturday morning I felt sooooooo bloody sick.  I had a headache and my muscles hurt so badly .. I was nauseated .... and couldn't face the thought of budging off the sofa.  I cried.  I felt I was letting him down.... and I was scared.. what the hell was wrong with me??!!

I was hot ... I was cold.  If I moved my muscles trembled.  If I got up to walk I was dizzy and thought I was gonna throw up.  

I sipped juice and slept 

By Saturday night I was worse... if that's possible.  I was throwing up........ well retching and feeling like I was gonna tear my innards out.   

I was so scared........ what was wrong with me?  This wasn't like any gastro bug I have ever had........ 

My sleep Saturday night was like a giant nightmare... I remember being feverish then cold..... tossing and turning because my body hurt so badly.... 

Sunday morning I woke feeling like I had been pulled through a wringer.  I still had the nausea and achy muscles but not nearly as bad on Saturday.  It was another quiet day on the sofa.  Sir Steve and I watched football games......... and he fetched juice for me when I wanted/needed it.  By dinner time I was feeling improved.... Sir Steve suggested an ordered in dinner.  My brain went YES PLEASE!!!  but after I ate my stomach said "WTF were you thinking??" but I managed to keep it down.

When we went to bed he wrapped his arms around me like always and grabbed a breast (his security blanket - grinning) and I drifted off to sleep thankful I have a man who refuses to leave my side even when I am sick..... who doesn't leave me alone with the scary thoughts that rise up in the 
dark ....

This morning my symptoms have leveled off...... still have the nausea and achy muscles but my brain is clear.  I am sane enough to know I am not dying.... and 99% sure these are just more of the withdrawal symptoms  -- JUST!  

Life is good when your man doesn't leave you alone when you are down for the count!  


  1. Those flu bugs .... yeck! ... hope you're feeling better, Morningstar ... nj

  2. I'm sorry you spent the weekend so sick Morningstar, and that you had to cancel plans. Glad Sir Steve was by your side looking after you.

    Hope you continue to feel better.



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