Thursday, November 22, 2018

And so it starts........

And yes I know it's early!!!

I think I am in the holiday spirit early because we have snow........ and it's cold.... and the world looks Christmasy...... 

Or maybe the truth is...... I just love the holidays SO VERY much that I couldn't wait !!

We don't have the lil one on weekends anymore....... which is sad during the holidays.   This time last year we were planning our attendance at the great tree lighting ceremony in town.........  and we were planning tree decorating and house decorating........ 
This year it's more of a challenge seeing as she goes to her Mom's on Friday and doesn't come back till Monday afternoon so all we have to work with are "school nights".

Sir Steve and I discussed it .......... and decided that we could do some events during the week -- even if it meant the lil one went to bed a little bit later....... 

So last evening when Sir Steve got home from work we took the lil one to see the new Grinch movie..................

It was fantastic!!  (I never did like the Jim Carey version) ... The lil one snuggled in her seat between her father and I and we all giggled and even belly laughed our way through it...... After the movie we bundled up (god it was cold!!) and went to McDonald's for dinner (a real treat cause we almost never eat 'junk' food) ...... and then home and to bed.

This morning she jumped out of bed and told me she had dreamed of the Grinch all night.  (made me smile) 

I think I will be 'decorating' The Journey for the holidays in the next few days.. and as has been my custom for many years I will try to post every day during Advent.... lots of vanilla stuff -- maybe even a cookie recipe or 
two ......... 

(which makes me remember -- Downunder Dreaming has a blog entry up concerning the annual Great Cookie Exchange.  Unfortunately for some strange reason I can't open it -- sad face -- but if anyone else can get in you'll probably be able to get the details)

Life is especially good when the holidays arrive and you can share the excitement and magic with family and friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morningstar,

    Glad you are getting in the spirit, I am definitely more the grinch this time of year...which reminds me, glad you all enjoyed the movie lol.

    What a pity about the weekends. I am sure you will find a way to pack activities into week nights.



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