Monday, October 05, 2009

Not much to report.........

Well as far as Monday Reports go.. there really isn't much to report..........

Saturday i spent the day bundled up in blankets on the sofa... with juice and soup... and wishing i could die... and feeling so very glad Sir had decided it was a "time out" weekend.. cause i was in no shape for anything.......... and as i have said before.. when i am sick i just want to be left alone...

i did take multiple hot baths as i have this notion that a hot bath will help sweat out whatever bug has invaded my body ........ my male cat loves when i take baths.. he climbs up on the edge of the tub walks around inspecting things.. my toes to my head.. and every damn time he gets up to my head.. he feels the urge to head butt me !! he purrs and talks to me constantly ... he will occasionally tentatively stick a foot out to swipe at my toes.. but if his foot gets wet he gets all indignant with me.. and scolds me no end..

my female cat on the other hand... came in only once.. she sat prissy like on the toilet seat took one look at me submerged in the hot water and started screaming.......... i guess she thought i was drowning...then she stalked out. i guess she figured if i wasn't gonna listen to her warnings about the evil of water .. there was nothing more she could do for me..

By Sunday i was on the mend.. managed to add crackers to my soup.. and nothing untoward happened...
i got my ass off the sofa and managed to do the laundry and drag in the furniture from the secret garden and get it stored away in the basement until next summer...

While i am on the subject - sort of - of my cats... and laundry..... when i went down to the laundry room.. there was cat pee on the floor by the litter box... i am assuming my male's aim is slightly off.. (just like a male to miss the damn pot !!) so i set too and washed the floor with javel.................. now i have done this once before and ya'd think i would learn.. one should never .. EVER.. mix javel and ammonia i don't know how i didn't blow up the house.. i know i did a number on my lungs, nose and eyes !!

i even managed to tidy / sort out the linen closet and put all the summer sheets/comforters and table clothes away.. and pull out the winter stuff... most importantly the Thanksgiving runners and table clothes .. as our Thanksgiving is next weekend.. and some of the family will be here to celebrate.

Once .. or twice.. maybe more than that.. folks have asked me why Sir and i don't live together on a permanent basis.......... it seems a good time to put that query to bed once and for all.........

First off.. Sir works on the South Shore.. which is approximately 30 minutes from me.. and i work over here... which is 30 minutes from Him. Unfortunately there is a bridge separating us.......... a bridge that can add - at rush hour - an hour or more to the traveling time. And we have both reached an age....... when........... finding a new job in another city (in my case under a new school board) is almost impossible. So.. it is much easier to live separately during the week - do our own thing - and see each other on weekends, holidays and family times. There are plans on the back burner to one day retire.. move out of this province to greener pastures ......... together. BUT only time will tell.

And that dear friends.. is my Monday Report.

1 comment:

  1. wow, I love how you see your weekend as non-productive due to being sick and then you DO all that you did! You are such a dynamo you!

    Hope the bug is getting better and the week is good to you!


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