This weekend we took the last run up to the trailer to winterize it. Well we don't actually do the winterizing our service guy does it....... a huge load off our shoulders!
It was a gorgeous weekend !!! Sun shining..... warm temperatures and the trees have started to change.
the road to our site
our road
Sir Steve finished packing the lawn furniture into the shed..... and I swept out the trailer...
On Friday I had made some cheese danish - they were our very last blue plate special.
We took a break around noon and shared them with eldest daughter and SIL.
Sir Steve opened a 'box' that is under our bedroom cupboard and houses our hot water tank - getting ready for winterizing and I heard Sir Steve let loose with a string of swear words...... I thought 'oh god the hot water tank is leaking' ... but no ..... it wasn't leaking.. no no!! instead my nemesis 'the red squirrel' had started moving in while we were in the city.
Sir Steve threw them all out the door ......... and cursed some more... I can't wait to see what the spring brings!!!
(oh and I did mouse proof - and hopefully squirrel proof - by spreading moth balls in all the cupboards - around water pipes - and the slide outs. We already had stuffed the cracks with steel wool which obviously didn't deter the squirrel one little bit)
Life is good when Mother Nature paints the trees and the wild life find winter homes.
The camp site looks so beautiful Morningstar, and the cheese danish's look yum! Glad you had a lovely final weekend. Fingers crossed the squirrels stay away!