Youngest daughter landed up laughing and crying over the printer we bought for them....
Eldest daughter and son-in-law enjoyed their gift for their "new baby" - Spike - the combination golden/boxer they got in the fall.......
The eldest grandson was excited with the old fashioned hockey bank complete with money to buy a game for his DS...... youngest was thrilled with the bucket of old fashioned blocks to build castles with.........
Baby Jordan found the whole thing boring ..... and spent his day eating, crying and sleeping.
BUT the very best reaction was Sir............ i gave Him (His vanilla gift) a remote controlled helicopter. Christmas Eve - after dinner was done - Sir and the other "men" worked on learning the basics of flight.......... even my male cat got into the spirit of things...........
The 25th was our traditional BDSM Christmas ...... i (cause i am a stupid stupid subbie ) gave Sir more Christmas clothes pegs...
And the mystery box .. that took the long way round to get here...... was a huge hit ... it was a leather paddle with a blue rose worked into the leather..... (hard to explain) BUT if you want to see the paddle ... in action even...... check out Sir's blog here
Today is deemed a quiet snuggle up day......... the fire is laid in the fireplace.. the leftover turkey and trimmings are on the menu....... the snow is moving in..... it is a wonderful time of the year !!!
What a lovely day! And that's a wonderful picture of Sir. :-)