Wednesday, January 04, 2017

In the Doghouse

ya know -- there are submissives who delight in getting into trouble ........... and as much as I can be bratty - I never deliberately set out to get into trouble.........

Even yesterday -- it wasn't my plan............ 


Hands had set 2 tasks for me two days ago........they were to be completed by 5 last evening.

I didn't feel like doing them -- I was feeling very sorry for myself on many different levels........ I tried to do the first task -- and it didn't go exactly as planned.  And that made me even more pissy.  

And I still had one more task to complete.

The crappy mood didn't evaporate -- in fact it just got worse......... so I didn't complete task 2 -- and to make matters worse I touched something of Hands' that I wasn't supposed to.

Now I could have lied -- but that's not who I am....... so I honestly reported how the tasks went.  

It's funny - CG had warned me that Hands would never give me a 'pass' -- she warned me what to expect if I ever tried it

I seem to have a memory problem..........

When Hands got my report He called me to chat immediately.  He was not a happy Hands.  And he reminded me that excuses were never acceptable.  And he 'upped the ante' so to speak.  And I have 12 hours to complete them

And the weirdest thing happened........ Hands put his foot down and immediately I was grounded ....... and feeling cared for ......

As weird as that sounds  it is a very good thing!

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