Yesterday when Sir arrived here at the condo, He had brought along our friend Cloud. Immediately i was ordered to the basement.. barely time to catch my breath.... downstairs strung up to the chains in the ceiling.. both Doms eyeing me up and down.. Sir picking up one of the floggers and going to work pretty fast and hard on my breasts / nipples.. i remember some discussion - and i do remember i was able to offer some coherent thoughts on the subject of the sensitivity of my nipples - and then there are blurs.. blurs of Sir using toy after toy of Cloud's - discussions between the two of them concerning the pros and cons of each one..... i remember Sir offering Cloud the pretty tawse.. i remember glancing over my shoulder and seeing Cloud swinging that pretty leather tawse and feeling the burning thud as it bit into my ass...... i remember doing an irish jigs of sorts over some other toy......i remember some discussion about what i thought of the idea of Cloud coming over regularily to the condo to work with me.... umm now was it "work WITH me"?? or "work ON me"??? i don't remember.... i remember feeling scared at the thought... then i remember the feel of the wooden paddle..... i remember bending over .. thrusting my ass out.. wanting to feel the cool of the paddle against my burning ass.... and yes indeed feeling the coolness...... then hearing the thud whallop as it struck me...... feeling my body jerk forward... the chains holding me upright .. moving back .. bending over .. wanting more... i remember Cloud half leaning half sitting on the spanking bench watching.....i remember Sir's fingers searching out the wetness between my legs.. sliding into me.. teasing me .. finding THAT spot inside me.. i remember feeling extreme embarassement at the thought of orgasming with Cloud watching.. i remember making some excuse about the need to pee so that Sir would stop (and He did!) and then i remember coming down.... laughing from the pain in my shoulders... going down on all fours to kiss Sir's feet and thank Him.. crawling across to Cloud's feet .....
remembering an over flow of emotions fogging my brain.. squinting hard to try and bring it all into view a little better....
Happy to have been there lots of fun