Friday, October 28, 2005

online names

Sometimes my mind goes forth with a theme and ends up so far from where i started that my Sir calls it a "bouncing ball"........ today's post is probably going to be one of those....... so reader beware......

i found a really well written blog yesterday Madness, Musings and Melancholy. The author, The Michael had left a comment on my birthday blog.. and with the wit and wisdom of a sub i went looking and found his blog... (well ok he has 2 blogs but i really liked the MMM one)......

Like all of us who write blogs he was - in one post - bemoaning the fact that no one left comments....... and i was feeling very much like a "peeping tom" at that particular point.. so i decided to leave a comment. Now the problem was... this was a vanilla blog...... my usual signature on comment pages is "morningstar (owned by Warren) followed by the url for my blog (it pays to advertise - cheeky grin)...... i stopped at the signature thinking ... what if someone very vanilla reads this and goes looking for MY blog??? Poor The Michael.. do i want the responsibility of "outting" his private side..the side that peaks into the lives of submissives and their Masters and perhaps tweaks His own kinky side?? do i want that responsibility?? and yeah yeah i KNOW The Michael writes a fictional BDSM blog...... but at that point i just wasn't sure what was the right thing to do..........

i sat and stewed...... the whole topic of censorship in the States was nagging at the edges of my mind too... but the main thing was ........this was a vanilla blog....... how to sign my nick without causing too much of a ripple in the waters of blogdom...........

light bulb moment!!!! i signed my comment "the vanilla morningstar" .. Brilliant i thought!! The Michael should recognise the nick....... and maybe .. if i am lucky.. catch the humour in it.......... i was so proud of myself.......... then sometime much later.. i realized that at the top of the comments - on blogspot - is the nick you use for your own blog .. in my case "littleone" and a direct link to your own blog............ (slap me upside the head now !!) so much for my careful plotting and scheming to protect the innocent.........

And all of that got me thinking about nicknames ......... and i realized how easily it is to become someone else... a flick of a button (so to speak) and morningstar can become someone completely different!! i know many who use the internet do indeed have many different nicks - to suit their mood - their persona of the moment....... or just to trick and hide....... smoke and mirrors i call it. i have never been anyone on line except morningstar... until i started to use "littleone" on my blog (Sir's name for me).......

But getting back to the vanilla morningstar... it felt funny to sign my name that way.......i haven't been JUST morningstar in a long long time.. over 5 years now.......... and in a funny way i almost felt like i was doing a dis-service to Sir..... but on the other hand...... Sir would want me to be vanilla in a vanilla situation.. but then on the other hand i am not vanilla... not deep down inside.. so did i lie when i wrote "the vanilla morningstar"........ can be a little confusing sometimes...

and the ball bounces on..........


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You like labels and nick names or handles do you not? I read you blog almost everyday but I too know how it feels when no comments are left you feel you have lost friends almost. I do not think it is meant I think sometimes they just do not know what to say.

  3. littleone....

    This is the nick I use for you. Something special for My special submissive, thus morningstar is used for the rest of the world to call you....

    Is " The Vanilla morningstar " a lie, no it isn't in My eyes and they are the only ones that count....

  4. Now this is interesting. Somehow I knew that morningstar was struggling with an identity crisis as she replied to my posts, as well as my replies, caught up in a belief that somehow she might be casting a light on MM&M that I might not desire. Fear not, "little one" as your Master calls you, you did not OUT the Michael any further than he might had outed himself. I do admire, however, the concern you demonstrated, and I would like to say I appreciate it. You truly seem to demonstrate an empathy that I believe runs deep in the submissive ethos, and your Master must be better for it.


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