Sir had announced one cold snowy day in February that we would be going to a BDSM camp in August. Imagine my surprise! A summer camp devoted entirely to those of us in the lifestyle. My stomach did a few flip flops but then – being me – i completely put it out of my head! It was, after all, a whole 6 months away !!!
Amazing how time flies – it was August and Sir had me shopping for camping gear – tents, stoves, sleeping bags, dog restraints. You know the kind - the great big screw that you put in the ground and tie the dog too…….. but i was to buy 4 – one for each limb. In the spare room i had laid out all the equipment that was to be packed – along with shorts tops swim suits rain gear etc. Sir stood in the doorway checking my progress.
“Put the shorts and tops away – put the swimsuit away. You may however take the sweat pants warm sweater and rain poncho.”
“BUT Sir?!! no clothes??!!! BUT this isn’t like going to the club Sir.. and even there all genitals must be covered! Surely i should bring some clothing??!!”
Taking my face in His hands He held it tight and slowly (as though talking to a child) said “ There will be NO clothing at camp! Except for some warm clothing in case it gets cold. You will be nude from the time we arrive at camp until the time we leave!! The only clothing I wish to see is that which you are required to wear on the trip there and back ! “
Ughhhhhhh my heart sank – butterflies took up permanent residence in my stomach !! To put it mildly i am extremely shy – especially nude – around folks i don’t know. And i wasn’t gonna know too many people at this camp a full 9 hours drive from home.
Camping weekend arrived.. and so did we - after a long long trip (made longer in part by the fact we missed a turn and went miles and miles out of our way.) Sir had been sweet on the drive – doing nothing to intensify my already heightened sense of foreboding. After all the formalities – signing this waiver and that waiver, getting our camp bracelets and camp T-shirts and winding our way around the camp – we finally found our little lot. The car was unpacked and the tent pitched, beds made, lean-to erected over the picnic table, kitchen gear in place and not a word had been said about my still being clothed. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
Once everything was up and running – our “neighbours” came over to meet and greet us. It didn’t take long for me to feel at home with the protocols – and what a glorious feeling it was !!! Suddenly i realized that what was hidden away from public view at home was expected here !!! What freedom !!! As though Sir read my thoughts about freedom He turned to me and (with that LOOK He gets) said: “ littleone what are you doing still dressed?!” i sighed softly and looked anxiously at our visitors. The other Master turned to His slave and repeated the same question to her. She turned to me with a devilish grin and started to strip. I still hesitated. Sir stood and went into the tent coming out with a piece of rope. He stood over me while i quickly stripped down.
“Stand and move to the tree” He commanded. I moved quickly to the tree and faced it. “Turn around facing the road, hands behind the tree “. As i moved to do as He directed, Sir slipped the rope around my wrists fastening them tight to the tree. Then He slipped the rope around and under my breasts then back around the tree. A knot here, a loop there and soon i was fastened to the tree, facing out for all the camp to see. I dropped my head to hide the blushes. Sir disappeared for a bit then came back with some sun block and a camp hat which He plopped on my head. Sir then proceeded to make sure His property was well protected from the sun, slathering the greasy lotion all over my body – into and around every nook and cranny. My blushes increased. As cars drove by looking for their camp sites many stared at me, others honked. I was so humiliated.
Not long after Sir came over to me and proceeded to place one of the temporary tattoos He had told me He had made on my right breast. It was His family crest with the words “morningstar – property of Warren” underneath it. “Now” He said “I am going for a walk around the camp with Master R and His slave. You will remain here as My camp mascot”.
It seemed like hours that They were gone. I had to endure the stares of folks walking around the camp or driving by. It was hot and I was thirsty. I needed to pee. Oh where was my Sir !!!??? I tried to see as much of the camp as I could from our site. Directly across the road from our site was an army style tent with tables set up and people scurrying around obviously preparing the dinner meal. Just down from that I could see a hot tub and a large white tent – in front of which was a large sign announcing “Play Tent” . Around the corner from the Play tent was a large swimming pool full of folks splashing and laughing and cooling off. I was so jealous. It was hot standing here in the sun despite my hat !!! And god I needed to go pee !!!
I felt a gentle caress on my back and I jumped. It was my Sir back from His wanderings. His hands slipped around me and tugged playfully at my nipples as He said: “ did you miss Me littleone??” I sighed softly “ yes Sir very much!!! Sir please i have to go pee so badly – please Sir !!!” Sir walked around in front of me… “How delightful !!! pee you say?? Well then I shall have to untie you won’t I??” Relief flooded through me, my ordeal was finally over.
The ropes were removed and i was hopping from one foot to the other the need so great ! Sir smiled pleasantly which made my stomach knot! “Follow me” He commanded …… as He marched off towards to the woods. I followed quickly behind figuring we were on the way to the public toilets. Sir however, had other plans for His littleone. Once we were in the woods He pointed to an opening in the bush and said … “GO”. I looked at Sir and thought I was going to cry !!! Pee – in the woods???? “ohhhhhh Sir” I pleaded .. “please please no.. NO.. I can’t .. I simply can’t!”
“Ahhhhhhhhhh but I thought you said you had to pee badly??” (By now the pain in my belly was growing ever greater with the need to pee… BUT in the woods??) I shuffled my feet, I hung my head, I may have even pouted. Sir stood, arms folded across His chest just staring at me. Finally I couldn’t hold out any longer and slouched off to the clearing and squatting down I peed – my face the colour of a bright red tomatoe.
When I returned to Sir’s side He patted my ass and said proudly “Now that wasn’t so bad was it??!!! And the weekend has just begun! You shall see what other wonderful plans I have for you !!” And with those words turned and walked back towards our campsite.
just a month away for BDSM camp :-))
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering, are you ever seriously injured?
Also, what makes you enjoy this? - were you abused or anything?
Just interested, hope I haven't offended you.
ReplyDeleteno i have never ever been seriously injured. Everything that is done to me by my Sir is safe sane and consentual... AND more importantly has been "negotiated". Negotiated basically means that Sir and i discussed (at the beginning of O/our relationship) what i liked didn't like and what would NEVER EVER happen.
As for abused - no i have never been abused. i come from a normal stable church going family with high moral values.
As for why i enjoy this?? i spent years trying first to hide this desire i had, and then trying to understand it. i can't say i am any closer to understanding why i enjoy pain - perhaps i am just wired a wee bit differently??
And please keep in mind.. this blog The Camp is mostly fiction...
And no megan honest questions do not offend me. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a wonderful blog entry. How was the rest of camp?
ReplyDeleteThis blog was really mostly fiction.. yes it was based on one of the camps Sir took me too.. but still a good bit of fiction... i actually have part 2 nearly ready to post.. it should be up by tomorrow..