Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday morning musings.......

Well all the excitement of the past few weeks / months is over....... and this morning as i sit here with my coffee watching the sun rise again.. i wonder what there is to talk about.......

The politicians can tell us that we aren't gonna feel the economic crunch like other parts of the world or country......... but sitting on the front lines i have to disagree.. in the last 2 weeks i have had 2 families pull out of the daycare program at school - mom or dad or both have been laid off.. one mom called almost in tears as her hours have been cut in half....... two other families have pulled out of the lunch program because there is no extra cash for that luxury and the kids can walk home........... i am noticing more and more parents are working on contracts now rather than getting full time jobs because it is cheaper for companies to hire someone to work for 6 months or a year.. and then see if the need is still there....... not much security in contract work .......

Yesterday gas for the car was 88 cents a liter.. i was excited ....... my god i had almost forgotten when gas was 88 cents.. and it only cost me $25 to fill up my tank........ but i also had a sinking sensation........ if gas is falling it just doesn't bode well for everything else .. does it???

And the kids......... well they are absolutely squirrelly........ last Friday Mr. M did something i haven't seen done in years....... he called 911 to take a violent child to the hospital (his foster mom was actually in the hospital and couldn't come) ..... it is really hard to watch a little guy be loaded up into an ambulance.. to know that his anger is so deep.. his pain so deep...... that there is nothing more we can do for him..........

Which makes me look at my lil Christopher Robin.......... he is barely keeping it together this year.. has been suspended once for "panting" ......... panting !!?? hell i didn't even know what that meant............. one kid will run up to another unsuspecting kid and pull down his pants.. leaving him exposed to the ridicule of the other children.......... this seems to be a trend.. we have had a rash of "pantings" over the last couple of weeks.......... and stone throwing.. and bullying.. and .. and.. and..

Some days i feel like the little boy sticking his fingers in the dyke trying to stop the leaks..

i am "a" boss at work.. but oh how i long to come home to my reality.... to my Sir.. to turn everything over and just be on my knees.. with ass in the air... no need to think.. just do... no need to control.. but just be controlled...

And that is what i was musing about as i sat drinking my early morning coffee watching the sun come up............


  1. On the bright side there is only 47 days ta christmas........

  2. 48 here whitesnake... 48 ...

  3. always a day behind?

    did I say behind?
    someone should slap me!


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