Friday, June 04, 2021

Just Thoughts....


Some days my brain just goes walk about...... and I come to some weird conclusions.. not based on anything but my opinion.  The nice thing about the thoughts in my head is they don't have to be politically correct.. like yesterday.

I was cleaning the house - which frees up my mind to do it's walk about... and I got to thinking about the lil one's grandmother.  I see her in sharp lines - hard and harsh... no soft edges.  Then my brain looked at other women I know... some have soft gentle edges - other's have hard edges like the grandmother.

My brain kept looking at this thought......... why are some soft and others hard?  Then my brain went to sex.. and how every time we have sex I feel soft and gentle... and when we go for awhile without sex I find myself developing hard edges... sharp - you could cut yourself on the hard edges. Yet when we have sex it's like I melt....... and all my edges are soft........ and I thought (ok ok this is NOT politically correct) that the grandmother really does need sex...... 

OH and then just to be more politically incorrect - I started to wonder if men were the same way?? hard edges unless they are getting 'it' regularly.  and I couldn't decide. 

Do you notice a change in your attitude when you are 'getting it regularly'?? Do you see the same correlation in men?? 

ahh well just thoughts of bored housewife (cheeky grin)


  1. Hi Morningstar,

    Well, I like this bored houwives' thoughts lol. I get so tired of how mad political correctness has become at times.

    My mind often wanders to all sorts of places, often while I'm cleaning or in the shower. I do think there might be something to this. Sex can make me feel soft too.


    1. ok - BUT - Roz what about the male species? do they change? I don't think they get 'hard edges' but maybe more machismo-ish ???

  2. Grin! Morningstar, I swear we are sisters. I have often come to that conclusion.


    1. I would love to have you as a sister Boo -- seeing as I don't have one -- ohhhhhhh the havoc we would cause !!

  3. This comment came in via email from anonymous

    I am aware that i can be crumby if i have not had sex for awhile. But sex releases so many good chemicals it makes life good again.

    1. So very true anonymous - I was thinking about the chemicals when I wrote this piece.. how it's the release of dopamine and serotonin that softens the edges :)

  4. ohhhhhhhhhhh selkie - ugh! I don't think I could last that long without killing someone!!

  5. My times of getting regular sex have always been in vanilla relationships, which soon sour for me and so I would have to say from experience, no regular sex makes me more edgy and less soft. Perhaps if I had a steady relationship with a more like-minded person, I might be more warm and fuzzy about sex


  6. I've asked BIKSS> will update when he sends me a reply!

    1. This was his reply -

      Actually i think more sex makes a person soft and fuzzy.. sex with a person who u connect with and for the right reason (need, submission... lol) ...
      lack of sex builds a film, like what develops over kopi susu (a type of local drink) if u leave it to cool too long. Easy enough to break through but have to make sure u stir to bring equilibrium again.

      Sex simply to have release ( paid sex) leaves one angry if one goes into it unhappy in the first place. Lack of sex for a long time means the film is much thicker...

      Me - so i think he agrees that with guys it's pretty much the same :)

    2. Oh Fondles thanks for getting BIKSS opinion! It's rather nice to know that men's edges soften too


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