Monday, December 09, 2019


We had a good weekend together...... things are quiet around here -- but slowly returning to normal.  I have finished taking my meds (thank god !!  they were pretty devastating) and Sir Steve is on some new meds and his body is slowly adjusting to them.  With sex and play time off the table for now -- we seem to be developing a different type of closeness -- it's kinda nice ya know?!  Lots of long talks -- memories spilling over.  Of course it's the season for memories and I am lucky - very lucky! - my memories are plentiful and loving.

I was remembering the important memories I have....... and interestingly enough those memories are not about what I got -- but more the times spent with family.

I remembered....................

Going downtown Montreal with my family at night to see the Ogilvy's window.... with it's animated village..... standing there in the cold holding my Dad's hand ... mesmerized by all the magic taking place in the window........

Going out after dinner in the car with Christmas music playing and driving around the neighbourhood admiring everyone's Christmas decorations....... 

Christmas morning - opening stockings in bed with my parents -- breakfast and dressing in Christmas dresses -- BEFORE being allowed to open the gifts under the tree......... 

Christmas dinner at Grandma's house -- the whole family crowding around the table... 7Up in wine glasses -- Christmas crackers and silly paper crowns -- big sugary meringues filled with ice cream and smothered in homemade caramel sauce - 

Being all grown up with my own children and wanting to create the same warm memories for them

The year I could hear my dad's voice softly telling my eldest daughter a story about the Christmas fairies dancing in the tree - peaking around the corner from the kitchen to see the two of them lying under the tree.......... and listening to him telling her to watch for the fairies.

The first Christmas without my Dad -- my youngest daughter asking 'who was Santa when Santa died?' -- almost the end of Christmas magic for all of us.

And I am thankful -- so very thankful -- for this man in my life now -- who believes in the magic of Christmas and the joy of creating Christmas memories

1 comment:

  1. AWW, what wonderful, precious memories Morningstar. This made me smile:) glad to hear you and Sir Steve are even closer.



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