Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Yup I really do ... I hate Halloween....... 

For the last so many years I have been able to hide myself away on Oct. 31st.... since I retired from teaching actually.  I have been able to grit my teeth -- live in darkness for a few hours in the evening of the 31st and wait till the next morning -- the glorious 1st of November!

Oh don't get me wrong.  When my girls were little I went all out for Halloween -- baked Halloween cookies and cakes -- decorated the house -- made costumes and handed out Halloween treats after dark. BUT once the girls got too big for the celebrations -- I faked it in my classroom ..... and rushed home to hide.

Yup I am the GRINCH of Halloween!

But life has a way of getting even ya know... karma maybe?? Sir Steve loves Halloween..... f**king LOVES it!  add to that love, a 5 year old lil one and yup I am back 'doing' Halloween again.

I baked some sugar cookies in the shape of pumpkins -- planned an easy to eat supper for tonite... and even participated in pumpkin carving and decorating last night. 

Sir Steve will take the lil one out trick or treating tonite and I will stay home and man the candy bowl and door........ joy oh joy !!

Here's some pics of our front yard -- pictures taken in the wind and rain (what I do for Halloween)

 Sir Steve's Dragon

the ghost is mine
the spooky face is the lil one's.
On the bright side -- Sir Steve has promised to have enthusiasm for Christmas and drag out / find some Christmas spirit for MY favourite holiday!!!  (he has no idea what that is gonna look like - grinning)



  1. Aw! Hope you have some fun and it isnèt too much of a trial for you. Your yard looks great!

  2. I'm with you! We always avoid the whole thing by turning off all the lights and going out to dinner until the trick or treaters have disappeared from the streets.



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