i wondered all day if Sir had any idea how uncomfortable i was..
First off - my ass muscles and hip muscles even my right shoulder was stiff and achy today. Best work out i have had in a long time !!!
Then i had to deal with an achy pussy...... more than an achy pussy..... my clit ring seemed to roll around and tug on my clit all day making it difficult for me to focus on anything but the warm ache inside. My car ride home felt as though the whole car had turned into a giant vibrator..... god i ached !!!
When i got home i hoped to find another task.. permission to masturbate again but be able to cum this time. There was nothing.......
Just before i went to make dinner i checked my email....... Sir was going out for dinner, and i was to use the BRUT again at 6:30 sharp........ this time i was to cum three consecutive times.
i was delighted.. i was excited.. i was wet instantly. Unfortunately not so excited or delighted or wet that i didn't fall asleep after my dinner. Go figure !!
Anyway...... 5 minutes late........ i scurried upstairs, grabbed the BRUT and flopped on the bed.......... i was more than ready for this.
That's when i realized .......... my ass muscles and hip muscles still hurt.. and oh my god my shoulder !!! The BRUT felt like it weighed 2 tons...... and my wrist was suddenly as limp as a wet noodle.
The first orgasm was easy....... slide in the BRUT, turn it on.. et voila almost instantly the tightening of the muscles that preclude a gushing soaking bone shaking orgasm.
The second and third were not as easy..... my arm ached and i couldn't hold the BRUT at just the right angle. It vibrated hard against my clit jewelry and it almost hurt the vibrations were so intense.
It would seem i am always being reminded "be careful what you wish for"...
But honestly .. in this case..... i am not complaining.. well not too loudly or too long..........
Thank you Sir for giving me 3 orgasms.....(even if i do sound like i am bitching, whining and complaining !! i'm not You know Sir.. nope not.. not one little bit.. )