Saturday, January 08, 2022

A little Update



For those of you interested....... we have spoken with the lil one every day since Tuesday.  Her voice sounds very thick and froggy.... she has a dry cough ... but other than that she's perky and attending online classes.  (shock shock!!)

I don't want to sound overly critical - BUT - they are giving her stickers for focusing... we have seen pictures on the school facebook page that show 'grandma' is sitting beside her??!!   ok ok I'm being critical - but I worked so damn hard to help her become an independent learner......... and we're sliding backwards.  le sigh.  On the bright side she is attending school! 

I'm not sure if the mother's family fully grasps the concept of "isolation/quarantine" cause when I talked to the lil one last night I asked if she had any plans for the weekend...she said she planned on going outside to play in the snow.  ??!!  I suggested it might not be ok cause you know - isolation.  I have a sick feeling that they would have let her wander through the halls of their apartment and go outside.  BUT not my problem right??? 

I'm not sure how happy mother is going to be cause Sir Steve is gonna tell her that the lil one can't come home till she tests negative...... and honestly I don't think she's gonna test negative - not this Monday.  AND they have a funeral to go to on Monday - funny I didn't think funerals were allowed. Anywayyyyyyyy - if the lil one is still positive and can't come here it's gonna force them to isolate longer (and as they all have the same symptoms as the lil one probably still contagious as well)

 And that's the update on the lil one.... we would love to have her home with us - but only time will tell.


  1. Hi Morningstar, I'm glad you posted this, I was wondering how the lil one was doing. It's good news she is attending class.

    I bet you want her home with you but really, isolation needs to be close to 14 days. This funeral is a concern. There's no way any of them should attend, but you just know they will.


    1. yeah you got that right Roz - they will attend I'm sure of it... the kicker will be if they take the lil one with them..... wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  2. What are the fines/consequences of breaking isolation rules in Canada? Aren't they afraid that the authorities will find out?


    1. no they aren't Prefectdt - it stuns me - in the beginning very beginning when the provincial borders were closed they snuck to a farmer's field on the back roads to the border and met with their other daughter and had a 'birthday party'

      They seem to think the rules are for everyone else

  3. MS, I'm so glad she's able to attend school and isn't awfully sick. I'm sure she wishes you all were attending to her during this time, but that will come. Praying for her speedy recovery.

    1. thanks Baker - we're hoping to see more of an improvement this week...... it's worrisome let me tell you - not to have her here where we can monitor her closely.

  4. AND it's idiots like them that are the REASON we're still in a crisis and our health system is starting to break down.


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