After a month of vanilla wedding plans........ and other miscellaneous happenings.. we finally touched base with our friend Cloud yesterday for a renewal of our Friday coffee klatch.
After catching up on each others' news.. Cloud announced He was going to town for a cocktail party hosted by Lady A. He convinced Sir that we should come too... after all 'bb' the submissive who had invited Cloud had said how much they enjoyed having "older Dominants" attend their cocktail parties.......
OK STOP RIGHT THERE !!! Think that should have told US all something??
Well it didn't...
So we picked Cloud up at 9:30 and headed into town.. to the Skye Club ... where this cocktail party was happening......... i was wondering about a cocktail party at the Skye - i had been to Skye many times about 10 years back... it is in the gay village and my memories involved loud .. louder.. loudest music.. lots of buff boys..... not too many girls... and lots of steamy necking and fondling in the corners..........but far be it from me - a lowly submissive to point out some discrepancies i was seeing in this evening's outing.
We arrived in town - actually found a parking space only a 5 minute walk from the club - and wondered through the village. i have to say it brought back some fond memories - but that isn't for today's blog.......
The Skye used to be this windowed .. modern... happening club...... it is now a complete complex (if you check the link above you will see what i mean) each of the areas was packed to overflowing. Sir turned to Cloud and asked exactly where this cocktail party was... Cloud said - with the confidence only a Dom can have - 1474 St Catharine. Right.. Sir and Cloud (with my trailing behind them) started to walk around the club.. which was packed with buff boys - a few more women than i expected - and lots of loud .. louder.. loudest music with flashing lights. Finally i touched Cloud's arm and asked what 'bb' looked like........... ohhhhhhh boy .. hair to the chin and dark rimmed glasses. That's it??!! That's all he could give me.. that description fit almost every female in the place....
i gave up following like a lamb to the slaughter and grabbed one of the buff cute lil waitors.. and explained our predicament. He had no clue about any cocktail party but suggested we try around the back of the club where there were more areas set up...........
Slowly we maneuvered our way to the back.. through buff bodies dancing.. buff bodies hanging around.. buff bodies drinking...weird angled steps and flashing lights that nearly sent me ass over tea kettle.. (of course if i had kept my eyes on where i was going instead of on all those buff lil boys)
Till we arrived at the back of the club where there were some sofas set up in a circle with a table in the middle... i studied the group for a good few minutes.. and decided if we were actually gonna find this cocktail party - seeing as Cloud had NO idea who/what we were looking for - someone was gonna have to start asking around.........
So being the brattylocks i can be.. i marched up to this blond short haired woman standing in the middle of the circle of sofas and asked if she was ....... by any chance.. involved in the cocktail party organized by Lady A........ YES !!! in fact she was 'bb'....... i rolled my eyes at Cloud who needed an introduction................ a few switches/submissives that were there wiggled their fingers at me.. and i made the rounds greeting folks who knew me from this event or that event.. but who - i honestly - didn't remember at all........
Turns out i found another 2 'friends' of Cloud - and once again i felt like i should introduce them...... Cloud seemed to be..... ummmmmm.. in a cloud???!!!
After the few introductions were done.. Sir and Cloud and i plunked ourselves on one of the sofas and smiled and nodded a lot......... i said i felt like a chaperon at the high school dance...........in other words - very very OLD..........
Twenty minutes later over the loud louder loudest music.. Sir and Cloud asked if i was ready to slip away........ slip away?? i was ready to run........................
So we old folks headed back to the burbs for a coffee.......... and left the young 'uns to play.........
What was i saying about the need for a BDSM old folks home a few days back???
Good grief. Hope you remembered to take your geritol when you got home.