Today i knew Sir would probably be heading off to do some work, and then check up on His mom and the "other house"....... i was planning my day...... laundry and baking and primping and preening to go out for Sir's birthday dinner this evening........ and not once in all that planning was i thinking submissive ........
Before Sir left He disappeared downstairs to the play room...... and returned with a length of my favourite blue rope....... i made a joke about His going off to tie up His client........ but all the while i watched Him .. mesmerized by His hands tying knots here and there down the length of rope.
i stood on order and removed my sweatshirt....... the ropes were pulled over my head and the tying process began...... wrap tug knot ... wrap tug knot.. rinse and repeat....... i felt the ropes encasing my body.. opening me here .. tugging there.. and i felt a momentary pang of fear...... Sir would encase my body in ropes and leave....... leave.. as in depart.. as in be gone for hours.... and i would be left here trussed up like a Christmas turkey.
i remembered one time when we were at a "bondage" demo/party and Sir tied me tightly.. (His favourite method of tying by the way....... tight!! ) i stood like a good lil subbie straight as an arrow, hands behind my neck...... barely breathing because the ropes were so tight... i remember going out to the car as the party was moving into town to a bigger play party and not being able to bend to get into the car... sort of being pushed into the back seat and collapsing awkwardly with ropes biting into my ass, into my pussy, binding my breasts so tightly i could barely breath. And a fear rose from somewhere deep inside my gut that i would be left like that today....... for hours.. till Sir returned.
But today He did a different sort of tie on my body... around the breasts yes.. but more into the pussy and ass... opening it .. rubbing it. When Sir was finished i went downstairs to check on the laundry .. and to test how tight the ropes were.. i could breath comfortably (phewwwwww) i could walk with care ...... i could feel my pussy..... god i could feel it!! my whole mind became centered on my pussy and my ass.. stretched open .. aching.. pulsing..... BUT i could do my tasks with no problem.. and i could breath comfortably.
So here i sit..... ropes pulling tightly on all the right places.. my mind set is squarely and firmly planted in submissive mode......... easy as that!! A long piece of rope .. a few well placed knots....... and i would crawl on all fours and kiss Sir's feet (if He were here)...
It really isn't very difficult to put me in the right mind set......... not very difficult at all.......
This is simply beautiful!