It was funny how the day went.. we had both been a little tense in the morning..but by the time we had pigged out over lunch and were downtown in the 'village' our spirits had lifted and we were enjoying our day together.....
The fet store didn't really offer any new toys ......... oh they had paddles and crops and handcuffs ...... but ho hum... boring... (aren't i spoiled?? we have a wall full of crops and paddles ) But Sir spotted a cupping set.. a real cupping set.. not some purple plastic imitation of one........ but a real one ...... with glass cups and acupuncture/pressure point thingies and a hand pump. Sir decided that was the gift we were gonna buy with the gift certificate!!
We did some other shopping as well at another leather shop..... but i will go into detail on that one another day..... Home we came laden down with our parcels and i .. of course.. had a burning desire to try out the 'real' cupping set.
After dinner Sir finally got around to experimenting with it.... a couple were put on my ass.. it hurt .. sort of.. but good hurt.. oh my yes .. good hurt !! i was daring.. i was brave.. i suggested maybe.. just maybe Sir would try them out on my nipples?? When it comes to breast torture i do NOT have to ask twice... Sir was delighted to satisfy my curiousity.....
He put them on and i shrieked.. it was way too much to handle ( i have such damn sensitive nipples !!) And besides that ..... ever since i breast fed the youngest daughter i still have liquid that will drip out .. if given enough "incentive" shall we say.... and i have a feeling it rather grosses Sir out....... well you can imagine what happened when the pump was applied........... i don't have any shots from the glass set.. but i do have one from the plastic set... if you look close enough you can just see the 'drip' .......ewwww gross !!!
This morning Sir decided to humor me.. i had told Him in my private journal how much i would like to try having my whole ass cupped - to experience the sensations....... So........ after breakfast was digested.. i was on my stomach on the floor having glass cups applied to my ass....
The first few felt kinda neat.. but as each one was added the pressure built in the tissue (i guess) and the burn was something too difficult to describe.... but trust me when i say it hurt.. good!!!!
From another angle.........
Even one on my clit......... despite my nervousness over the clit jewelry being ripped out.. which didn't happen.........but i can say my clit was swollen and twitchy for the longest time.. such a delightful torture !!!
Finally - because the booklet suggests not leaving the cups on for more than 10 minutes Sir removed them .. pop pop pop !! ouch ouch ouch!!! (it compares a bit to having pegs removed .. sort of.. )
Ooooooh! What pretty circles it leaves! :D
Should have used your magic marker to draw some happy faces.