Thursday, February 09, 2006

Measuring up.....

Our friend Cloud posted about ”Standards”...... it was a thought provoking post for me....

i have done a fair amount of evaluating myself .. since last friday and our visit with Cloud and slave k. i believe it is important to try and improve myself to please Sir. It is part of who i am - to a degree. i HATE to be boring or stagnant. i want to always learn something new...... be it as Sir's chattel ..... or as a teacher.. or as a mother.. or grandmother! In my humble opinion it is vital to one's mental well being / health to keep on learning.. striving to improve..

Sir says He is very pleased with who and what i have become.. Cloud says there is nothing wrong with me the way i am......... BUT hang on a second here folks... through my evaluations i have discovered i have become complacent.. i am a good subbie.. GOOD??!!! what happened to terrific?? what happened to excellent?? what happened to PERFECT??!! (ok ok i know perfection is an ideal that can not be attained.......... but striving for it?? why not??) Is it wrong of me to want to strive for something more than what my Sir requires?? Won't He be surprised by this improvement.. prouder of me for doing it?? Why is it that i am supposed to sit and wait for Sir to point out my failings and then hurry to try and correct them... if i see them now why shouldn't i strive for better???

Does not all of life involve some sort of "measuring stick" to measure our progress??? In our elementary years we have testing and report cards to measure our progress.. in our adult life we have work evaluations to show progress or lack of..... each and every one of us holds a goal just in front of us .. someone or something to strive to for.

So please tell me what is wrong with meeting slave k and seeing in her qualities that i admire and would like to strive for?? what is wrong with seeing qualities in her that i had and have become lazy about using??? (talk about a little slap upside the head)... What is wrong with having a measuring stick to see how far i have come.... how much farther i need to grow?? No one can improve themselves without some sort of "measuring stick". If one lives in a vacuum how do you know if you have improved or are measuring up?? You don't...... simple as that .. You don't!

Life is about learning and improving......... and when i stop..... then let them carry me out of the house feet first !!! Until then ... hand me the measuring stick and let me go at it !


  1. learning and improving on ourselves yes I agree but my post had more to do with looking at others as a measuring stick for ourselves and that in my opinion is wrong. In my post I did say that it was the judgement of how good one performes is up to your Dom not the sub. A sub should always strive to better themselves to their best but not to the performance of another. The other point I wanted to make is that the sub should not berate themselves for what they have not been asked to do.

    you know I like you as you are except for when you place your finger nails in the wrong places.

  2. and tell me please Cloud.... how does one KNOW that there is room for improvement if there is no measuring stick??? If we do not look at others and compare??

    You must be a very special person indeed Cloud if You never ever look at someone and compare Yourself to them.. and then set a goal for Yourself......

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  3. I look at myself and the mirror can tell me what I should improve on both physically and mentally. I am no more special than anyother being but I do not judge my self by anothers standards only my own

  4. I just gave up being insecure and admitted to myself that I'm the best damn THE Michael that ever existed! I even went to the mirror and said "DAMN I'm good!" and I'll be damned if he didn't agree with me!

    LIfe is sweet, even if you have the gall to steal other people's catch phrases........hehe......

  5. Ideally, one needs only the standards of one's Owner as the thing to measure against. Human nature, though, as you pointed out, is to compare ourselves to others, both consciously and unconsciously, in various arenas of life. Who's prettier, who's got more friends, who's more in love, who's career is going better, etc.

    In My experience, though, there is an infinity to strive for solely within what one's Owner wants. I've tried to let My own slaves know thar . . . for all concerend, satisfaction in the moment without complacency overall is a tricky balance.

    Great blog. --L.


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