That was Plan A. To hide away and let the day pass with out any fan fare and nonsense.

Plan B looks a whole lot different.
I had someone on FetLife say (in reference to finding a rocking chair) "fuck the rocking chair - and with a good dildo that is possible!!" She made me laugh. and from that laugh (believe it or not) came Plan B.
NO I am not going to use a rocking chair and dildo - well maybe not.. it's something to think about.
I AM undergoing some BIG changes.
1) I have a hair dresser's appointment for this Saturday. I have been letting my hair grow (remember the 30th birthday and how I cut it all off.. shrug.. so I am doing the reverse !!) and am going to get it styled............. AND......... coloured. Gonna wash that grey right out of my hair......
2) I have booked a make up make over. I am not sure how true "make over" is.. as I seldom if ever wear make up......... but hey.. I am gonna give it a try.
3) I am in the process of planning a spanking good birthday celebration a week or so after my birthday.
This past weekend Warren and I went to a new dungeon. It is small and intimate - holding about 20 people comfortably. I was very impressed with the layout and the ambiance. So I asked if they ever rented it out to private individuals. They did!! And for an amazingly reasonable price too.
So the invitations have been sent out... and despite my fears that no one would come.. I have already had 9 YES's !!!
I am thinking this new decade I am entering could possibly be the best one yet... I am gonna be saucy and cheeky and full of piss and vinegar.
I always have been !!!
I guess as much as things seem to change.. they really stay the same.
im sooo happy that you are embracing this birthday! it sounds like you are going to have a blast! cheers to you girl!~<3
ReplyDelete"I am gonna be saucy and cheeky and full of piss and vinegar."
ReplyDeleteAnd that would be different from when???????
You should celebrate your big day ... ALWAYS! :D
Exactly what i expect from you! You Go Girl..age is a number..it does not determine your life. abby
ReplyDeleteGood for you! And happiest of birthdays!
ReplyDeletehugs, swan
The dungeon party sounds lovely. have a great birthday.
Sounds fun. Have fun getting there and enjoy the party.