Monday, April 02, 2012


Usually my "Monday Morning Reports" are the easiest blog entries to write........ usually.  But for the last few Mondays the words have not come easily.... and last night after running words around in my head - over and over - this way and that way - I realized that the closer W and I get to each other - the more intimate - the more private it feels... and the harder it is to share.  

I find myself pulling up a privacy screen around those moments........... wanting to keep them to myself .............  I can tell you there was a whole lot of screeching and hollering ... and soft murmurs and knife cutting patterns .... and at the end of it all puddles on the floor and knees that wouldn't hold me.  

Then we went to munch .......... and it was a huge munch - for us - here in this corner of the Great White North. Must have been between 30 and 40 people who attended.  And some old friends we haven't seen in years and years.  It was delightful and fun and full of chatty conversation.......... 

W and I spent some time talking .......... planning........ sorting things out.......... working things out........... all of which just  brings us closer and closer (I think) just makes our time together more intimate - more personal - more private. 

We had a great weekend  and I feel lonely this morning in the empty house.


  1. Anonymous7:32 am

    Enjoy your privacy...the intimate moments belong to the both of you. Delighted to know you and W are on a new Path to happiness! That's all we readers need to see... Your contentment as you travel along.


  2. I am SO glad you have found your way back to one another. You give me hope that my boi and I may still be able to find our way back to one another. Thank you

  3. Keep it all to yourself ... you deserve to!
    It's all YOURS! =)

  4. Anonymous8:51 pm

    I hear you.

    Lonely is an aching heart wishing to be somewhere I cannot and should not be.


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